Chapter 5.06 ADULT-ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESSES, ADULT PERFORMERS AND FIGURE MODELS 5.06.010 Legislative purpose. 5.06.020 Definitions. 5.06.021 Couch dancing/straddle dancing and other sexual and related activities prohibited. 5.06.022 Establishment of an adult-oriented business. 5.06.030 Permit required for operation of an adult-entertainment business providing live performances displaying specified anatomical areas or depicting or involving specified sexual activities. 5.06.040 Application for permit for an adult-entertainment business involving live performances. 5.06.050 Corporate applicants—Exemption. 5.06.060 Adult performer permits and figure model permits. 5.06.070 Application for adult performer permit or figure model permit. 5.06.080 Verification of application. 5.06.090 Investigation and recommendations—Temporary permit. 5.06.100 Issuance of permit for an adult-entertainment business. 5.06.110 Issuance of adult performer permit or figure model permit. 5.06.120 Administrative appeals—Issuance or denial of permit. 5.06.130 Term and renewal of adult-entertainment business permits. 5.06.140 Term and renewal of adult performer permits and figure model permits. 5.06.150 Name and place of business—Change of location. 5.06.160 Suspension or revocation of adult-entertainment business permits, adult performer permits, and figure model permits. 5.06.170 Administrative appeals—Suspension or revocation of permit. 5.06.180 Judicial review—Stay pending trial court decision. 5.06.190 Register of adult performers and figure models. 5.06.200 Adult performer and figure model identification card. 5.06.210 Employment of persons under the age of eighteen years prohibited. 5.06.220 Display of permit. 5.06.230 Business operations tax. 5.06.240 Transfer of adult-entertainment business permit. 5.06.250 Employment of adult performer and figure models. 5.06.255 Locational standards. 5.06.260 Development standards. 5.06.270 Adult-entertainment businesses providing live entertainment. 5.06.280 Management and security requirements. 5.06.290 Persons under the age of eighteen years prohibited on premises of adult-entertainment business. 5.06.300 Violations. 5.06.310 Regulations nonexclusive. 5.06.320 Applicability to existing adult-entertainment businesses, adult performers and figure models. 5.06.330 Severability.