City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.06.090 Investigation and recommendations—Temporary permit.

(A) Upon receiving an application for an adult-entertainment business permit, the chief of police shall:

(1) Stamp the application as received on the date of receipt, and determine whether the application is complete. If the chief of police determines that the application is incomplete or has been completed improperly, the chief of police shall promptly notify the applicant of that fact and, on request of the applicant, grant the applicant an extension of time of ten days or less to complete the application properly. The time period for granting or denying a permit shall be stayed during the period in which the applicant is granted an extension of time;

(2) Within ten days of the date of filing of a complete application, refer the application to the building inspections division, the planning division and the fire department; and

(3) Within a reasonable period, not exceeding forty-five days after the filing of a complete application, investigate the application and recommend approval or denial to the city manager. A failure to make a recommendation within the specified time period shall not be considered a recommendation for approval or denial.

(B) Within ten days of the date of filing of a complete application, and if the chief of police determines that: (1) on the face of the application, there is no basis for denial of the permit under Section 5.06.100 due to prior criminal convictions, based solely upon the information provided by the applicant in the application; and (2) the location of the proposed adult-entertainment business conforms with all requirements of the Title 17, the city manager shall issue a temporary permit authorizing operation of the adult-entertainment business while the chief of police investigates the application and the city manager determines whether to issue or deny a regular permit.

(C) The building inspections division, the planning division and the fire department shall inspect the premises and make separate recommendations to the city manager, within thirty days after the filing of the completed application.