Chapter 5.05 SPECIAL EVENTS 5.05.010 Intent and purpose. 5.05.020 Definitions. 5.05.030 Permit required. 5.05.035 Special event permit. 5.05.040 Exceptions to the special event permit. 5.05.045 Temporary outdoor promotion regulations. 5.05.050 Application for permit. 5.05.060 Permit and application fee. 5.05.070 Application contents. 5.05.080 Action by city manager. 5.05.090 Permit denial. 5.05.100 Notice to applicant of action on application—Appeals to city council. 5.05.110 City council action upon appeal. 5.05.120 Departmental service fees. 5.05.130 Event routes. 5.05.140 Insurance and indemnity requirements. 5.05.150 Revocation or suspension of permit. 5.05.160 Interference prohibited. 5.05.170 Penalty for violation. 5.05.180 Severability.