City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.06.280 Management and security requirements.

(A) There shall be present on the premises of an adult-entertainment business at all times while the business is open a manager who shall be in charge of all of the activities on the premises and who shall be responsible to ensure compliance with all requirements set forth in this chapter.

(B) An adult-entertainment business shall employ security guards in order to maintain the public peace and safety, based upon the following standards:

(1) An adult-entertainment business featuring live entertainment shall provide at least one security guard at all times while the business is open. If the number of persons on the premises exceeds fifty persons, an additional security guard shall be on duty.

(2) Security guard(s) shall be charged with preventing violations of law and enforcing patrons' compliance with the requirements of this chapter. Security guards shall be uniformed in such a manner so as to be readily identifiable as a security guard by the public and shall be duly licensed as a security guard as required by applicable provisions of state law. No security guard required pursuant to this subsection shall act as a manager, door person, ticket seller, ticket taker, admittance person or perform any duties other than surveillance of the premises, the adult performers, and the patrons to prevent violations of law and enforce compliance with the requirements of this chapter while acting as a security guard. Security guards shall report any violation of law immediately to the responsible manager on the premises at the time the violation or threatened violation occurs, and shall prepare a written report outlining the violation or threatened violation observed. Copies of all written reports required by this section shall be maintained on the premises along with the register of adult performers required by Section 5.06.190, and shall be available for inspection by law enforcement personnel at all times during regular business hours.