City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.06.021 Couch dancing/straddle dancing and other sexual and related activities prohibited.

For purposes of this section, couch dancing or straddle dancing shall be defined as an employee or independent contractor of the adult-oriented business intentionally touching any patron or coming within six feet of any patron while engaged in the display or exposure of any specified anatomical area, or while simulating any specified sexual activity.

(A) No person shall operate or cause to be operated an adult-oriented business, regardless of whether or not a permit has been issued under this code, knowingly, or with reason to know, permitting, suffering or allowing any employee or independent contractor:

(1) To engage in a couch dance or straddle dance with a patron at the business;

(2) To contract or otherwise agree with a patron to engage in a couch dance or straddle dance with a person at the business;

(3) To intentionally touch any patron at an adult-oriented business while engaged in the display or exposure of any specified anatomical area or engaged in or simulating a specified sexual activity;

(4) To voluntarily be within six feet of any patron while engaged in the display or exposure of any specified anatomical area or engaged in or simulating a specified sexual activity.

(B) No employee or independent contractor of an adult-oriented business, regardless of whether or not a permit has been issued for said business under this chapter, shall:

(1) Engage in a couch dance or straddle dance with a patron at the business;

(2) Contract or otherwise agree to engage in a couch dance or straddle dance with a patron at the business;

(3) Engage in the display or exposure of any specified anatomical area or engage in or simulate a specified sexual activity while intentionally touching a patron at the adult-oriented business;

(4) Engage in the display or exposure of any specified anatomical area or engage in or simulate a specified sexual activity closer than six feet from any patron;

(5) Engage in a performance, solicit a performance, make a sale, solicit a sale, provide a service, or solicit a service between the hours of eleven p.m. and ten a.m.

(C) No person at any adult-oriented business, regardless of whether or not said business is permitted under this code, shall intentionally touch an employee or independent contractor who is displaying or exposing any specified anatomical area or engaging in or simulating a specified sexual activity at the adult-oriented business.

(D) No person at any adult-oriented business, regardless of whether or not said business is permitted under this code, shall engage in a couch dance or straddle dance with an employee or independent contractor at the business who is displaying or exposing any specified anatomical area or engaging in or simulating a specified sexual activity.

(E) No person at any adult-oriented business, regardless of whether or not a permit has been issued for said business under this chapter, shall violate any provision of this code.

(F) No waiter(s) or waitress(es) at an adult-oriented business, regardless of whether or not a permit has been issued for said business under this chapter, shall appear on the premises in the nude, seminude, or display or expose specified anatomical areas.