City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.05.020 Definitions.

"Air-medical operations permit" means a permit issued by the fire chief or designee, allowing the landing and takeoff of EMS air rescue or air ambulance helicopters for the purposes of special event stand-by services.

"Applicant" means the person, corporation, association, partnership or other legal entity submitting the application for a special event or temporary outdoor promotion permit.

"Chief of police services" means the chief of police services of the city of American Canyon, or designee.

"City" means the city of American Canyon.

"City manager" means the city manager of the city of American Canyon, or designee.

"Departmental service charges" means the actual costs which a department of the city incurs in connection with activities for which a special event or temporary outdoor promotion permit is required under this chapter, including, but not limited to, costs associated with fire safety, traffic and/or pedestrian control, water safety, the closure of streets or intersections, the diverting of traffic, the salaries of city personnel involved in administration or coordination of city services for the event, the cost to the city to provide support personnel, equipment, materials and supplies and related city costs, such as fringe benefits or employee overtime. Departmental service charges shall not include costs incurred by the city to provide ordinary levels of police protective services to those engaged in activities or conduct for which a special event or temporary outdoor promotion permit is required pursuant to this chapter.

"Event organizer" means any person who conducts, manages, promotes, organizes, aids or solicits attendance at a special event or temporary outdoor promotion.

"Expressive activity" means conduct protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution or Article 1, Section 2 of the California Constitution, which is the principal purpose of the event.

"Fire chief" means the American Canyon fire protection district fire chief, or designee.

"Indigent natural person" means a person eligible for relief and support in the county of Napa as an indigent person under Section 17000 et seq., of the California Welfare and Institutions Code, or as the/those section(s) is/are amended from time to time.

"Medical operations permit" means a permit issued pursuant to the California Health and Safety Code, which gives the city the right to require and evaluate, modify, approve or reject the medical operations plan of any applicant wishing to conduct a special event within the city.

"Parade" means a parade, procession, march, demonstration, motorcade, promenade or pageant consisting of persons, animals or vehicles, or any combination thereof, traveling in unison and having a common purpose, design, destination or goal, which is conducted in, on, upon, or along any public street, sidewalk or other property owned or controlled by the city, or any portion thereof, which does not comply with normal and usual traffic regulations or control, or which may impede, obstruct, impair or interfere with the free use of such public street, sidewalk or other public property of the city.

"Person" means any natural person, firm, association, joint venture, joint stock company, partnership, organization, club, company, corporation, business trust or manager, lessee, agent, servant, officer or employee, or any of them, except where the context clearly requires a different meaning.

"Public assembly" means any group of sixty or more persons participating in an organized activity having a common purpose on or within a city street, city park, parking facility, sidewalk, or other public property or right-of-way.

"Sidewalk" means that portion of a highway, other than the roadway, set apart by curbs, barriers, markings, or other delineation for pedestrian travel.

"Special event" means:

1. Any temporary event not exceeding thirty days, whether indoors or outdoors, involving thirty or more persons, which is inconsistent with the permanent use to which the property may legally be put, or the occupancy levels permitted on property; or

2. Any public assembly as defined in this section; or

3. Any event, regardless of the number of persons involved, requiring full or partial street closure, which occurs on a city street, sidewalk, alley, or other public right-of-way, and/or which is likely to obstruct, delay or interfere with the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

The following list of examples is illustrative, but not determinative, of activities that may constitute "special events":

1. Motorized vehicle races or contests.

2. Carnivals, circuses, fairs, festivals, nondomesticated animal act or exhibition, and similar activities.

3. Any event with mechanical amusement rides.

4. Promotional or fundraising activities.

5. Parades.

6. Outdoor shows, concerts and exhibitions.

7. Outdoor craft fairs, soapbox derbies, or other similar events.

"Special event permit" or "permit" means a special event permit issued pursuant to this chapter.

"Spontaneous special event" means a special event that is also an expressive activity, which is precipitated by news, circumstances or events coming into public knowledge fewer than thirty working days before the proposed spontaneous special event.

"Street" means a way or place, of whatever nature, publicly maintained and open to use of the

public for purposes of vehicular travel. Streets include highways and alleys.

"Temporary outdoor promotion" means an outdoor commercial event of limited duration, such as grand openings, outdoor sales, and seasonal promotions occurring on nonresidential, private property.

"Temporary outdoor promotion permit" means a temporary outdoor promotion permit issued pursuant to this chapter.

"Venue" means the specific property, area or site for which a special event permit has been issued.

"Working day" shall mean a weekday, e.g., Monday through Friday, in which City Hall is open and conducts business. Saturdays, Sundays and holidays are not working days within the meaning of this chapter.