City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.05.070 Application contents.

(A) Applications for all special event and temporary outdoor promotion permits shall contain the following information, as deemed applicable:

(1) The name, address and telephone number of the applicant, the event organizer and an alternative person who may be contacted if the event organizer is unavailable.

(2) If located on private property, signed approval from the property owner acknowledging application for a special event or temporary outdoor promotion.

(3) If the applicant is an organization or business, the name, address and telephone number of the organization or business and the authorized head of the organization or business shall be provided. The person designated as the applicant by an organization or business shall provide written authorization from the organization or business verifying such designation.

(4) The name, address and telephone number of the person who will be present and in charge of the special event or temporary outdoor promotion on the day of the event.

(5) A description of the nature or purpose of the special event or temporary outdoor promotion for which the special event or temporary outdoor promotion permit is requested and an estimate of the maximum number of persons who will be attending the event.

(6) Date(s) and estimated starting and ending time(s) of the special event or temporary outdoor promotion.

(7) Location of the special event or temporary outdoor promotion, including its boundaries, the street or other public property, and the specific area or areas, that will be utilized in connection with the proposed event, or, if on private property, the business name, street address and telephone number at which the event or activity will be conducted.

(8) The type and estimated number of vehicles, animals or structures that will be used at the special event or temporary outdoor promotion.

(9) The provision and/or operation of first aid or emergency aid stations at the special event or temporary outdoor promotion.

(10) The provision and/or operation of sanitary facilities, including handicap accessible sanitary facilities.

(11) Whether any food or beverages, including alcoholic beverages, will be sold at the special event or temporary outdoor promotion.

(12) The type of security or other arrangements that will be provided: (a) to ensure that participants are properly directed; and (b) to ensure the prevention of unlawful conduct by participants and attendees.

(13) Anticipated parking needed and parking plan for the special event or temporary outdoor promotion.

(14) A proposed plan for seating for the special event or temporary outdoor promotion, if applicable, and the maximum legal occupancy of the proposed premises, if applicable.

(15) A security plan, including the provision and use of traffic cones or barricades, for control of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.

(16) Whether sound amplification equipment will be used and a plan for control of noise, including, but not limited to, the noise generated by amplification equipment, motors and other equipment that may affect nearby premises, with special attention to prevention of noise nuisance to nearby residences, if any, subject to the noise standards set forth in Section 12.04.180.

(17) A detailed floor plan and site plan of the premises showing the building interior and exterior grounds, including parking spaces, amusement ride location, seating arrangements, dance floor area, bar location, fire exits, and the dimensions of each portion with the layout of the special event or temporary outdoor promotion, when applicable. A trash and litter collection and off-site disposal plan.

(18) The manner of providing notice of the special event or temporary outdoor promotion conditions to special event or temporary outdoor promotion participants and those businesses or residents who may be directly affected by the conduct of the special event or temporary outdoor promotion.

(19) Such other information pertaining to public health and safety that the applicant may wish to include.

(20) The application form shall inform the applicant of his or her right to appeal.

(B) The application for special events, such as parades or public assemblies, which require full or partial street closures, shall, in addition to the above information requirements, contain the following information:

(1) The assembly point for the special event and the time at which people and/or units of the special event will begin to assemble and the location of the disbanding area.

(2) The proposed route to be traveled, including the maximum length of the special event in miles or fractions of miles.

(3) Whether the parade or other special event will occupy all or only a portion of the streets proposed to be traveled.

(4) An estimate of the approximate number of persons who will be participating in the special event and an estimate of the approximate number of persons who will be observing the special event.

(5) If the special event assembly or disbanding is to be conducted on private property, the applicant must submit, with the application, proof of the property owner's permission for the property to be used for that purpose.

(C) Medical Operations Permit. A special medical operations permit shall be required for any special event where, in the opinion of the fire chief, it is essential for public safety in a place of assembly or any other place where people congregate, due to the number of persons participating in the special event or the projected impact to the emergency medical services system within the city. Where required, the special event applicant shall submit for approval to the fire chief a medical operations plan in accordance with the criteria established by the American Canyon fire protection district. This plan may require the permit applicant to employ one or more medically qualified persons, including medically trained fire department personnel, as required and approved, to be on duty at such a place. Such individuals shall be subject to the fire chief's orders, at all times when so employed and shall be in uniform and remain on duty during times that such places are open to the public, or when such activity is being conducted. Before the special event, such fire authority personnel shall inspect the required medical equipment to see that it is in the proper place and in good working order, and shall keep a diligent watch for medical emergencies during the time such place is open to the public or such activity is being conducted. Events that may require a special medical operations permit include, but are not limited to:

(1) Any event in which specialized emergency medical services are provided above the level of advanced first aid, such as emergency medical technician-1, paramedics, nurses, physician assistants, and/or physicians.

(2) Any event, by the rules of the event, which requires the need to have contract emergency ambulance service providers or personnel on-site in order to conduct such event, e.g., bicycle races or similar high-risk injury activities.

(3) Any event utilizing standby air rescue or air ambulance services.

(4) Any event the fire chief deems may adversely impact the emergency medical services response capability of the city based upon:

(a) The location of the event;

(b) Projected event participation; or

(c) Any other applicable criteria.

(D) Air-Medical Operations Permit Required. A special air-medical operations permit shall be required for all events utilizing standby air rescue or air ambulance services. The fire chief shall direct the landings and takeoffs of all EMS air rescue or air ambulance operations within the city. Standby fire authority and/or sheriff department resources may be required during landing or takeoff operations for safety and security reasons. An air-medical operations plan, if required, shall be submitted, subject to the approval of the fire chief to include the following information:

(1) Name of the air rescue or air ambulance provider.

(2) Contact person for air operations.

(3) Type and size of aircraft.

(4) Patient transport capability.

(5) Level of medical staffing.

(6) Frequency or list of frequencies available for ground-to-air contact.

(7) Landing zone site and alternate landing zone site.

(8) Security for landing zone site.