City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.05.110 City council action upon appeal.

After a hearing and consideration of the report and decision of the city manager on a special event or temporary outdoor promotion application, and any written materials submitted by the applicant or other affected person(s), the city council shall either overturn the denial and grant the special event or temporary outdoor promotion permit, grant the special event or temporary outdoor promotion permit with conditions, or sustain the denial of the special event or temporary outdoor promotion permit upon determining that issuance would result in any one of the circumstances set forth in Section 5.05.090. The decision on appeal by the city council shall be based on written findings, and shall be final and conclusive on the matter. Upon the decision on appeal by the city council, the applicant may file a petition for writ of mandate pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.6 or 1094.8.