City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

14.04.005 Definitions.

For purposes of this chapter, the definitions in Sections 13.06.010 of the Municipal Code shall be construed as applicable to this chapter except as set forth in this section:

"High strength, nonresidential customer" includes all customers whose discharge exceeds the levels of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) or total suspended solids (TSS) set forth in the "normal strength, nonresidential customer" definition in this section.

"Meter factor" means the ratio applied to meter readings to determine the billable flow for nonresidential users. For domestic water meters, the factor shall equal 1.00; for sewer meters the flow shall equal 1.11.

"Multifamily residential" includes any premises that is residential in nature and consists of more than one dwelling unit served by a single metered water connection. Such master-metered customers shall be charged as set forth in this chapter. Temporary residential premises (e.g., hotels) are treated as a commercial use.

"Normal strength, nonresidential customer" includes all customers whose discharge conforms to "normal strength, nonresidential wastewater" but not included as residential customers in Sections 14.04.010 and 14.04.020. In lieu of separate analysis or adopted tables per Section 14.04.040, these customers shall generally include churches, public schools, private schools, commercial facilities, industrial facilities, government uses, and office buildings. The city reserves the right to assign any customer to high strength, nonresidential status, based on that customer's actual BOD or TSS.

"Normal strength, nonresidential wastewater" means all wastewater discharged to the city wastewater collection system with a BOD of no more than two hundred thirty six milligrams per liter or a TSS of no more than two hundred thirty-six milligrams per liter.