City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

14.06.020 Wastewater capacity fee—All normal strength connections.

(A) At the time of submission of application for building permit for connection to the city wastewater collection system, an applicant shall pay a wastewater capacity fee in proportion to use of the capacity of the wastewater system.

(B) For the purposes of calculating the wastewater capacity fee, a single-family residence will be considered one "equivalent dwelling unit (EDU)," with one EDU being equal to a discharge of an average of three hundred gallons per day to the sanitary sewer. For the purposes of calculating the average daily discharge to the sanitary sewer for a multifamily residence, each multifamily residence unit will be assumed to be sixty-five percent of one single-family unit.

(C) All applications for connection to the wastewater system by nonresidential connections will be required to pay a wastewater capacity fee proportional to the expected average daily discharge to the sewer system, as calculated by the applicant and certified by the city manager, public works director, or other designated staff. The applicant shall, using commonly accepted building and plumbing practices (such as the Uniform Plumbing Code) demonstrate the average daily discharge to the wastewater system, and the wastewater capacity fee will be calculated by multiplying this average daily discharge by the unit cost per gallons per day (gpd) according to the schedule below.

(D) Wastewater capacity fees for all normal strength connections, as defined by Section 14.04.005, shall be calculated based on the following schedule:

Single-family residence (one EDU) $8,016.00
Multifamily residence (.65 EDU) $5,210.00
Commercial/industrial/public/other (per gpd) $26.72