City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

13.06.010 Definitions.

For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall be defined as set forth below:

"Commercial" means any nonresidential premises classified as a retail store, restaurant, office building, laundry, master-metered multifamily or mobile home park, and other service establishment (including churches, lodges, government services, or public services) connected to the city water system, and which cannot be classified as a large industrial, raw water, landscape service, recycled water, or single-family residential, pursuant to this section.

"Cost of service" means the sum of all expenses relating to the ongoing operation of the water enterprise, to include but not be limited to salaries and benefits of all city staff required to run the water enterprise, operating expenses such as utilities and the purchase of water, related wastewater operations debt service related to improvements to the water system, and the maintenance and timely replacement of all existing capital infrastructure.

"Customer" means any residence, business or other entity that has signed up and contracted with the city for a specific water service. The type of customer is determined by the rate charged; thus, a commercial use could be a single-family residential customer, if the business qualified pursuant to Section 13.06.020(C) of this chapter.

"Customer charge" means a flat fee per each water billing period, billed on a monthly basis.

"Inside-the-city" means any water connection within the city corporate boundaries as they presently exist or as they may be modified from time to time.

"Landscape service" means a metered account used exclusively for landscaping purposes. Such accounts are exempt from wastewater service charges, but must agree to use recycled water, if and when it becomes available; must agree to participate in the city's water conservation program; and would be subject to use restrictions and/or fee surcharges during periods of drought.

"Large industrial" means any premises whose annual water use is in excess of four thousand two hundred units (Ccf) per year, is located within city boundaries, is separately connected to the water system, and whose predominant water use is for industrial purposes. Such customers must agree to supplemental conditions of service, including compliance with the city water conservation program, use of landscape service accounts as appropriate, and use of recycled water as appropriate, if and when it becomes available.

"Meter charge" means a flat fee, based on the size of water meter in service, billed on a monthly basis.

"Multifamily" means any premises that is residential in nature and consists of more than one dwelling unit served by a single metered water connection including any mobilehome park. Such master-metered customers shall be charged the same as commercial customers. Temporary residential premises (e.g., hotels) are treated as a commercial use.

"Outside-the-city" means any water connection outside the incorporated city limits.

"Private fire protection service" means water service for a sprinkler system obtained through a separate service line connected in accordance with city standards to the water system.

"Quantity charge" means a charge per unit of water consumed by a customer. For example, this charge may be fixed for all units of water consumed for commercial customers, or, for single-family residential customers, may be "tiered" so that the charge increases in increments as more water is used in order to encourage conservation.

"Raw water" means any premises or property, which, by action of the city council, makes a special arrangement to use water provided by the city that is not treated at the city's water treatment plant. A raw water customer must agree to use recycled water, when available, and would be subject to use restrictions and/or surcharges during periods of drought or restricted supply.

"Recycled water" means wastewater effluent treated to tertiary levels consistent with California Code of Regulations Title 22 standards, and may include, but not be limited to, irrigation, landscaping, groundwater, industrial and groundwater recharge uses.

"Single-family residential" means a free-standing home that is served by a dedicated water service line and meter and has only one legal dwelling unit.

"Temporary meter" means a metered water connection to the city's system for a duration of no longer than six months, or, under special circumstances approved by the city manager no longer than twelve months. The connection must conform to city standards for temporary connections.

"Unit" means one hundred cubic feet of water as measured by water meters approved by the city, or approximately seven hundred forty eight gallons