City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.16.110 Development standards—Single-family subdivisions including those proposing lot sizes smaller than the baseline lot size.

The following standards shall be applicable to all single-family residential subdivisions within areas designated single-family or multifamily residential on the general plan land use map unless otherwise noted. The intent of these standards is to provide a measured degree of increased flexibility over standard single-family zoning while establishing compensating or circumstances that would justify greater variation than what would normally be expected. Minimum standards are established to ensure that the basic integrity of the single-family general plan designation is retained and that a range of lot sizes be provided to meet both current and future city housing needs for various home types and market ranges.

(A) Baseline Lot Size/Mix of Lot Sizes. The baseline lot size shall be six thousand five hundred square feet. A reasonable proportion of lots proposed within a planned community may be less than the baseline with a minimum lot size of four thousand five hundred square feet. All lot sizes within a planned community may be larger than six thousand five hundred square feet although the reverse in which all lots are less than six thousand five hundred square feet is not permitted. The distribution and ratio of lot sizes shall be based on the following factors:

(1) Topographic and other physical constraints;

(2) Lot sizes and intensities of surrounding land uses;

(3) Proximity to common or public open spaces;

(4) Preservation of significant environmental resources;

(5) The above standards are not applicable to areas designated multifamily on the general plan land use map where the acceptable minimum lot sizes and mix of lot sizes shall be established under a conceptual master plan and planned community development permit.

(B) Exceptions for Extraordinary Features. Exceptions to the lot size and mix limitations under may be considered for significant community facilities or amenities proposed under a conceptual master plan. Significant community facilities include, but are not limited to, an improved public park encompassing an area equal to or larger than park area per population requirement established in the parks and recreation element of the general plan, a recreational facility or day care center serving the proposed community and the community at large, regional trail improvements, or significant contributions (land, facilities, or combination thereof) to school facilities. A determination of any exception pursuant to this section shall be made during review of the conceptual master plan.

(C) Lot Width. Lot widths shall be fifty feet or greater but may be less if it can be clearly demonstrated that a lesser lot width will not result in over concentration or minimal separation of structures, excessive garage door width in proportion to overall dwelling width, or reduced articulation of the front entry.

(D) Lot Depth. Lot depths shall be ninety feet or greater but may be less if it can be clearly demonstrated that adequate private area is being provided despite lesser lot depth or compensating common open space is provided adjacent to the lots.

(E) Lot Design. Lots shall generally be rectangular in shape and reasonably proportioned. The number of abutting lots shall be minimized.

(F) Dwelling/Garage Proportion. Garage door width shall not be the dominant architectural feature of the front dwelling elevation. Garage doors shall not occupy more than fifty percent of the width of the front of the dwelling unless it can clearly established that the front entry is clearly defined through use of a porch or similar feature and prominence of the garage door is reduced through use of second story architectural elements above, multiple panel garage doors rather than a single panel or similar measures.

(G) Front Setbacks. The minimum front setback from back of sidewalk to the main dwelling is fourteen feet. The minimum setback from the back of sidewalk to face of garage (attached or detached) shall be twenty feet except for side entry garages which may be set back a minimum of fourteen feet.

(H) Front Setback Variation. No more than three consecutive dwellings shall contain the same front setback. A minimum variation of five feet is required with the minimum front setback of fourteen feet.

(I) Rear Setback. The minimum rear setback is twenty feet. The minimum setback to the top or toe of a manufactured slope with a steepness greater than or equal to 3:1 shall be fifteen feet. The minimum setback for a detached or attached garage (without a second story) is five feet. Reduced setback may be permitted for private yards abutting significant common open space. Reduced setbacks for patio covers, decks or other accessory structures may be established pursuant to special standards under the planned community permit.

(J) Side Yard Setbacks. A "0" lot line may be permitted on one side if a fifteen foot separation between dwellings is provided on the opposite side. In all other cases, the minimum side yard setback shall be five feet on one side with a minimum ten foot setback on the opposite side. Alternatives may be considered if development plans clearly establish that dwelling separations and viewsheds are enhanced, privacy impacts are minimized, and grading impacts on the adjacent property are no greater than they would be with the standard setbacks.

(K) Shared Driveways. Shall be encouraged whenever feasible.

(L) Maximum Building Height. Two and one-half stories or thirty feet measured to the midpoint of a hip or gable type roof or the top of a flat roof.

(M) Private Open Space. A minimum of five hundred square feet of fenced private yard area is required for each single-family lot. Exceptions may be considered for dwellings abutting common open space areas that are functional for outdoor recreational activities. All dwellings shall have direct access to private yard areas. Private yard areas shall be oriented on the south or west sides of buildings to the greatest extent feasible to ensure penetration of low winter sun angles. Alternatively the fenced yard area shall have adequate dimensions to reduce shading effects of a north building location.

(N) Building Elevations. Similar architectural treatment shall be utilized on all sides of a building. Massing of second story elements shall be reduced through use of multiple roof lines, variation of wall planes and incorporation of architectural features such as dormers or multiple gable roof ends.

(O) Garage Doors. All garage doors shall be of equal or greater quality to that provided by the roll up variety. Swing up doors are not permitted.

(P) Defined Dwelling Entries. All dwelling units shall incorporate architectural elements that clearly define unit entries. All unit entries shall be highly visible and oriented to the street to minimize security problems.

(Q) Passive Solar Design. All dwellings shall have sufficient roof overhangs to promote winter heating and summer shading. Main mass of dwellings shall be oriented so as to take advantage of southerly exposures wherever feasible with consideration also given to prevailing southwest wind flows. Attached garages on the south side of dwellings shall be avoided except where no reasonable alternative exists.

(R) Common Open Space/Public Facilities. All projects proposing single-family dwelling lots smaller than the baseline minimum lot size shall include additional amenities and open spaces accessible by all project residents to compensate for reduced private yard areas. Open space areas must be large enough to be usable for sports and other outdoor activities. Neighborhoods shall be planned around these features to create community focal points. Size and type of facilities required will be based on project size and location. The open spaces and facilities may be public or private depending on the terms of the planned community development permit.

(S) Perimeter Walls. Every effort shall be made to reduce the need for perimeter walls. This may be accomplished through creative grading techniques, street and lot orientation, alternative land uses or residential densities at project perimeters or similar measures. If perimeter walls are unavoidable, a greenbelt of adequate width to minimize visual impacts of perimeter walls shall be provided adjacent to arterial or collector streets.

(T) Private Streets. Private streets may be permitted if a homeowners association is established for ongoing maintenance. The minimum standard section for a private street shall include sidewalks on both sides of the street, two travel lanes, and space available on both street sides for parallel parking. More extensive roadway improvements may be required depending on anticipated traffic levels. Alternative sections for private driveways may be considered based on function and location. Parking on both sides of the street may not be required where rear garage access is provided and is deemed consistent with the conceptual master plan.