City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.16.120 Development standards—Multifamily residential including apartments, townhouses and condominiums.

All planned community conceptual master plan and development permit proposals containing the above development types within a portion or entire project area shall comply with the following standards set forth below:

(A) Required Setbacks. Minimum building setback for principal structures on all perimeter property lines shall be twenty feet except for arterial frontages where a minimum of thirty feet shall be provided. Side and rear yard setbacks for accessory structures shall be established under the planned community development permit. All parking areas shall be set back a minimum of twenty feet from arterial frontages. All setback areas shall be fully landscaped;

(B) Maximum building height: Two and one-half stories or thirty feet measured to the midpoint of a hip or gable type roof or the top of a flat roof;

(C) Minimum separation between buildings containing dwelling units: twenty feet;

(D) Common Usable Open Space. A minimum thirty percent of the project area devoted to multifamily uses shall be devoted to usable common open space for passive or active recreational uses. For purposes of meeting this requirement, usable open space areas shall not include public rights-of-way or private streets/driveways; vehicle parking areas; areas adjacent to or between any structures less than fifteen feet apart; private patios or yards; or areas having slopes of 3:1 or steeper. Common open space and recreational amenities shall be centrally located to serve as neighborhood focal points. Wherever possible, open spaces shall be visible from living areas within individual dwelling units to allow convenient supervision of children;

(E) Private Open Spaces. Each dwelling unit shall have a defined private open space area (balcony or patio) with minimum dimensions of ten feet by ten feet. These areas shall be fenced or within an enclosed balcony. Private yards abutting a major common open space area shall utilize low (four and one-half feet or less in height) fencing that is architecturally compatible with building design. Other fences shall be a maximum of six feet in height;

(F) Building Design. Multiple-family residential structures, including townhouses and condominiums, shall be designed to break up long wall or roof planes by providing defined unit entries, multiple roof lines, offsets in wall planes or similar features. Architectural treatment shall be provided on all building sides. Structures containing multiple units shall incorporate architectural elements that define individuality of each dwelling within the structure. This can be accomplished through provision of secondary roof line features such as secondary gables or porches that accentuate unit individuality;

(G) Design of Carports Garages Trash Enclosures and Other Accessory Structures. Design of such structures shall reflect the architecture of the primary buildings with respect to style, colors and materials;

(H) Garage Doors. All garage doors shall be of equal or greater quality to that provided by the roll up variety. Swing up doors are not permitted;

(I) Climatic Conditions/Passive Solar Design. All dwellings shall incorporate adequate roof overhangs to provide shading of the high summer sun while allowing passive solar heating from the low winter sun. Main mass of dwellings shall be oriented to take advantage of southern exposures to the maximum extent feasible with consideration also given to prevailing southwest wind flows. Private yard areas shall be oriented on the south or west sides of buildings to ensure penetration of low winter sun angles. Alternatively, the fenced yard area shall have adequate dimensions to ensure adequate direct solar gain to a portion of the private yard;

(J) Driveway Approaches/Design Features. All primary driveway approaches serving a multifamily development shall be delineated with interlocking pavers, decorative concrete, landscape medians or similar features.