City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.16.100 Procedures and submittal requirements for approval of a planned community development permit.

(A) A planned community development permit application shall contain detailed development information either for a portion or all of the conceptual master plan area as set forth below. Additional information or clarification of submittal materials may be requested as deemed necessary by the city based on project specific issues or characteristics:

(1) Specific lot and street layout fully dimensioned and to scale;

(2) Complete plot plans for all proposed dwellings, buildings and structures, fully dimensioned and to scale (may be submitted in phases based on development sequence);

(3) Detailed building elevations fully dimensioned and to scale (may be submitted in phases based on development sequence);

(4) Floor plans for each type of dwelling or structure being proposed (may be submitted in phases based on development sequence);

(5) Illustrative drawings showing the relationship between interior dwelling areas and usable private yards and interior spaces (may be submitted in phases based on development sequence);

(6) Detailed landscape and improvements plans for all open space, recreational, greenbelt, parkway, common space and slope areas;

(7) Detailed grading information including height and width of all manufactured slopes;

(8) A preliminary drainage plan;

(9) Proposed tentative subdivision or parcel map if not submitted under the conceptual master plan;

(10) A final phasing plan;

(11) Rate of anticipated development which may be defined by the city under the terms of the planned community development permit.

(B) Planning Commission Action. The planning commission shall be the final decision-making authority for a planned community development permit unless appealed pursuant to procedures established under Section 19.16.090(C).

(C) Establishment of Conditions. The planning commission or city council may impose any and all conditions on the planned development permit necessary to ensure implementation of the planned community conceptual master plan in a manner consistent with the general plan, the standards in the planned community zone, and as may be required to protect the public health, safety and general welfare.

(D) Subsequent Entitlements within the Master Plan Area. Following approval of a conceptual master plan and planned community development permit, applications may be acted upon for subdivision or development of the property in accordance with the plans, terms and conditions of the planned development permit. Concurrent processing of the conceptual master plan, planned community development permit and related entitlement requests may be permissible if the entitlements are consistent with the conceptual master plan and development permit and the zone change and development permit are approved prior to other entitlement requests. The subsequent entitlement requests shall be processed in accordance with the applicable procedures established in the zoning and subdivision ordinances.