City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.32.040 Application requirements.

(A) A residential conversion project shall comply with all applicable provisions of Title 16, Adoption of Uniform Codes, Title 18, Subdivisions, Title 19, Zoning, the provisions of this section and with all other applicable state laws and local ordinances. B. In addition to the information required by other applicable sections of the municipal code, the following information shall be submitted at the time of filing:

(1) Building plans or other documents containing the following information pertaining to the project as proposed, certified as to accuracy by a licensed engineer.

(a) Description of the features of the type of building and project, including age, type of construction, number of dwelling units, number of habitable rooms per dwelling unit; and

(b) Site plan, including buildings, structures, yards, open spaces, and accessory storage areas and buildings including trash storage areas; and

(c) Parking plan, including the total number of spaces actually provided and the total number required if different from that actually provided; dimensions of stalls, aisles and driveways; locations of columns, walls and other obstructions; total number of covered and uncovered parking spaces and location and number of guest parking spaces.

(2) Tenant Information. Name and address of each tenant; total number of project occupants; rent schedule for eighteen months preceding the application and relocation assistance plan, if any.

(3) Sales Information. Anticipated range of sales prices of individual dwelling units or shares based on information known at the time of application; anticipated terms of sale to existing tenants; and statement as to whether sales will be permitted to families with minor children.

(4) Floor and elevation plans, including indications of common and private areas, and required exits.

(C) The following additional information may be required by the advisory agency as a condition of approval:

(1) Certificate of housing compliance inspection report or equivalent report satisfactory to the advisory agency, which report shall detail any violations of provisions of Title 16, Adoption of Uniform Codes, enacted after such permit was issued and which are explicitly made applicable to existing structures.

(2) Building inspection reports (if any such report has already been submitted to the California Department of Real Estate, a copy of such report shall be furnished to the city):

(a) Building component reports indicating conditions and estimated remaining useful life of

the roof, foundation, plumbing, electrical, heating, air conditioning, other mechanical and structural systems prepared by a registered civil or structural engineer, licensed general building contractor, licensed general engineering contractor or architect;

(b) Structural pest control report, prepared by a licensed pest control contractor;

(c) Acoustical report, indicating (i) the type of construction between dwelling units and the general sound attenuation characteristics of such construction, or indicating the level of sound attenuation between dwelling units, and (ii) the feasibility of various levels of improvement, prepared by a licensed acoustical engineer; and

(d) Utility metering reports, if the units of the building are not individually metered, indicating the feasibility of individual or submetering, prepared by qualified engineers.

(3) Any other information, including conditions, covenants and restrictions, articles of incorporation and bylaws, which the advisory agency deems necessary to determine if the proposed project is consistent with the municipal code.

(D) All Projects. No application for tentative map or preliminary parcel map approval of a residential conversion project shall be accepted without adequate evidence from the applicant that each tenant of the project has received notice of the application as of the date of application and notice of the relocation assistance provisions of Section 18.32.070 of this chapter. Any person who becomes a tenant of a residential rental unit proposed for conversion to a residential condominium, stock cooperative or community apartment project after the date of such application shall be given written notice of the pendency of such applications prior to entering into any written or oral rental agreement. This subsection shall only apply to map applications filed on or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.