City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.32.070 Parking for residential conversion projects.

(A) The minimum number of resident parking spaces per dwelling unit shall be one and one–quarter parking spaces per dwelling unit having three or less habitable rooms and one and one–half parking spaces per each dwelling unit having more than three habitable rooms. The advisory agency may increase or decrease the required number of parking spaces up to and including three-quarters of a space per dwelling unit, where it finds that such modification is consistent with the purposes of this chapter.

(B) The minimum number of guest parking spaces shall be one quarter space per dwelling unit for projects containing fifty or fewer units and one–half space per dwelling unit for projects containing more than fifty units. The advisory agency may modify the guest parking requirement up to and including one-half space per unit where it finds such modification consistent with the purposes of this section.

(C) The advisory agency may require up to one of the required resident parking spaces per dwelling unit to be provided in a private garage or carport where it finds that such is reasonable and feasible and consistent with the purposes of this chapter.

(D) Where the number of parking spaces required by other provisions of this code in existence on the date of map application exceeds the minimum numbers established by this section, the number of parking spaces shall not be diminished.

(E) The design and improvement of parking facilities and areas shall substantially conform to the provisions of Chapter 10.32 of Title 10 of the city's municipal code.