City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

18.32.030 Definitions.

The following terms used in this section are defined below.

"Advisory agency" means the city planning commission.

"Apartment" means the same as dwelling unit.

"Apartment hotel" means a residential building designed or used for both two or more dwelling units and six or more guest rooms or suites of rooms.

"Apartment house" means a residential building designed or used for three or more dwelling units or a combination of three or more dwelling units and not more than five guest rooms or suites of rooms.

"Community apartment project" means the same as defined by Section 11004 of the California Business and Professions Code.

"Condominium" means the same as defined by Section 783 of the California Civil Code.

Conversion Project, Residential. "Residential conversion project" means an existing apartment house, apartment hotel, hotel, multiple dwelling or group dwelling used exclusively for residential purposes, proposed for conversion to a condominium, stock cooperative or community apartment project to be used exclusively for residential purposes through approval of a tract or parcel map. For purposes of this definition, the term "existing" means that the building was constructed prior to incorporation of the city on June 1, 1992, or, if it was built after incorporation of the city, a certificate of occupancy was issued for the building within thirty days after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter.

"Dwelling" means any residential building, other than an apartment house, hotel or apartment hotel.

"Dwelling group" means two or more one-family, two-family or multiple dwelling, apartment houses or boarding or rooming houses, located on the same lot.

Dwelling, Multiple. "Multiple dwelling" means a dwelling containing two dwelling units and not more than five guest rooms.

Dwelling, One-Family. "One-family dwelling" means a detached dwelling containing only one dwelling unit

Dwelling, Two-Family. "Two-family dwelling" means a dwelling containing two dwelling units.

"Dwelling unit" means a group of two or more rooms, one of which is a kitchen, designed for occupancy by one family for living and sleeping purposes.

Dwelling Unit, Low Income. "Low income dwelling unit" means a dwelling unit at a rental or at a sales price which is eligible for subsidy under any public program to assist the occupancy of housing by households of low income who meet the current eligibility standards for low rent public housing established for the city by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, ("HUD") from time to time and as certified by the city's community development director.

Dwelling Unit, Moderate Income. "Moderate income dwelling unit" means a dwelling unit at a rental or at a sales price eligible for subsidy under any public program to assist the occupancy of housing by persons or households of lower income who meet the current eligibility standards for such households established for the city by HUD from time to time and as certified to the city's community development director.

"Efficiency dwelling unit" means a room located within an apartment house or apartment hotel used or intended to be used for residential purposes which has a kitchen, living and sleeping quarters combined therein.

"Final Map" means a map prepared in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.26 of the city of American Canyon's municipal code (the "municipal code.") and with any applicable provisions of the Subdivision Map Act, designed to be recorded in the office of the county recorder of Napa County.

Garage Private. "Private garage" means an accessory building or portion of a main building designed or used for parking or storage of motor vehicles of the occupants of a residential use.

"General plan" means the general plan adopted by the city council, which is a comprehensive declaration of purposes, policies and programs for the development of the city and which includes, where applicable, diagrams, maps and text setting forth objections, principles, standards and other features.

"Guest room" means any habitable room except a kitchen, designed or used for occupancy by one or more persons and not in a dwelling unit.

"Hotel" means a residential building designated or used for or containing six or more guest rooms, or suites of rooms, which may also contain not more than one dwelling unit, but not including any institution in which human beings are housed or detained under legal restraint.

Household, Low Income. "Low income household" means a household which meets the current eligibility standards for low-rent public housing established for the city by HUD from time to time and as certified by the city's community development director.

Household, Moderate Income. "Moderate income household" means a household which meets the current eligibility standards for such households established for the city by HUD from time to time and as certified to the city's community development director.

"Housing development" means the construction pursuant to a building permit of, or the proposed conversion to condominium ownership pursuant to a final subdivision tract map submitted for approval of any apartment house, apartment hotel, multiple dwelling or group dwelling, residential condominium development or cooperative apartment home having five or more dwelling units.

"Parcel map" means a map showing a division of land other than those divisions which require a final map, as defined by the Subdivision Map Act.

"Residential building" means a building or portion thereof designed or used for human habitation.

"Stock cooperative" means the same as defined by Section 11003.2 of the California Business and Professions Code.

"Tenant" means a person who rents, leases or subleases, through either a written or oral agreement, residential real property from another.

"Tentative map" means a map made for the purpose of showing the design of a proposed subdivision creating five or more parcels, five or more condominiums, or five or more units in a community apartment project or stock cooperative, and showing the existing conditions in and around it and that complies with the applicable provisions of Title 18 of the municipal code.

"Tract Map" means a tract map refers to either a tentative map or final map.