City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

14.28.170 Civil enforcement action.

The violation of any provision of this chapter, or the failure to comply with any requirements of this chapter, may be enforced by civil action brought by the city attorney in any court having appropriate jurisdiction. In any such action, the city may seek any or all of the following remedies:

(A) A temporary or permanent injunction;

(B) Costs of investigation, inspection, sampling or monitoring activities concerning the violation and costs of suit which includes attorney fees and legal costs;

(C) Costs of restoration of the premises from its condition resulting from violations back to its original condition;

(D) Compensatory damages including, but not limited to, loss and/or destruction of water quality, wildlife, fish, aquatic habitat, and other adverse environmental effects.

Damages recovered under this section shall be paid to the city and shall be exclusively for costs of sampling and monitoring, of establishing stormwater discharge pollution control systems, of implementing and/or enforcing the provisions of this chapter, and restoration of aquatic or riparian habitat.