City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

14.28.082 Best management practices for new development and redevelopment.

(A) Prior to and/or during construction, the authorized enforcement official may establish volume and rate of stormwater controls from new developments and redevelopment as may be appropriate to minimize peak flows or total runoff volume, and to mimic the pre-development site hydrology. These controls may include limits on impervious area or provisions for detention and retention of runoff on-site.

(B) The authorized enforcement official may require, as a condition of approval, permanent structural controls designed for the removal of sediment and other pollutants and for volume and rate of stormwater controls from the project's added or replaced impervious surfaces. The selection and design of such controls shall be in accordance with criteria established or recommended by federal, state, local agencies, and where required, the BASMAA Post Construction Manual and any issued Technical Bulletins.

(C) Stormwater Control Plan Requirements.

(1) For each new development and redevelopment project subject to post construction measures requirements, or where required by the nature and extent of a proposed project and where deemed appropriate by the city, applicants shall submit a Stormwater Control Plan (SCP) that meets the criteria in the most recent version of the BASMAA Post Construction Manual.

(2) Applicants shall implement the controls identified in the SCP and required by conditions of approval that reduce stormwater pollutant discharges through the construction, operation and maintenance of source control measures, low impact development design, site design measures, stormwater treatment measures and hydromodification management measures. Increases in runoff shall be managed in accordance with the post construction requirements.

(3) The SCP is separate and distinct from the ESCP requirements described in Section 14.28.080.

(4) Where projects are required to have a SCP, project applicants shall follow the appropriate SCP template, based on the project type, in the BASMAA Post Construction Manual and any issued Technical Bulletins.

(5) Implementation of an approved SCP and submittal of an approved Stormwater Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan by the applicant shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit for a project subject to this section.

(6) When any work is being done contrary to the provisions of this chapter, the authorized enforcement official may order the work stopped by notice in writing served on any persons engaged in doing or causing the work to be done. Such work shall stop until the authorized enforcement official authorizes the work to proceed. This remedy is in addition to and do not supersede or limit any and all other remedies, both civil and criminal provided in the city municipal code.

(7) Financial security may be required to ensure that stormwater management facilities operate and are maintained following construction for a period which may be determined by the city. Financial security shall consist of an irrevocable letter of credit, cash deposit, or performance bond as determined by the city.

(8) All stormwater management facilities shall be designed in a manner to minimize the need for maintenance and reduce the chances of failure. Design guidelines are outlined in the BASMAA Post Construction Manual and any issued Technical Bulletins.

(9) All stormwater management facilities shall be maintained according to the approved Stormwater Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan. The person(s) or organization(s) responsible for maintenance shall be designated in the plan. Unless a different time period is provided for in the plan, those responsible for maintenance shall inspect the stormwater management facilities at least annually. The Stormwater Facilities Operation and Maintenance Plan shall describe how the maintenance costs will be funded. If the responsible person fails to maintain the stormwater management facilities in accordance with this chapter or the plan, the city may perform the maintenance and recover its costs from the responsible person as provided in Section 14.28.170.

(10) For each new development and redevelopment project subject to the post construction measures requirements, or where deemed appropriate by the city, access by the city to stormwater management facilities for inspections, as provided in Section 14.28.120, and through such means as may be appropriate, including, but not limited to, legal agreements, recorded covenants or easements, shall be provided by the property owner.

(11) All project proponents and their successors, or successors in fee title, in control of a new development and redevelopment project subject to the post construction measures requirements, shall submit one of the following as a condition prior to final inspection and approval of building permit closure:

(a) The project proponent's signed statement accepting responsibility for the operations and maintenance of stormwater management facilities until such responsibility is legally transferred to another entity;

(b) Written conditions in the sales or lease agreements or deed for the project that requires the buyer or lessee to assume responsibility for the operations and maintenance of the stormwater management facilities until such responsibility is legally transferred to another entity;

(c) Written text in project deeds, or conditions, covenants and restrictions for multi-unit residential projects that require the homeowners association or, if there is no association, each individual owner to assume responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater management facilities until such responsibility is legally transferred to another entity; or

(d) Any other legally enforceable agreement or mechanism, such as recordation in the property deed, that assigns the operation and maintenance of the stormwater management facilities to the project owner(s).