City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

14.28.180 Administrative enforcement action.

In addition to any other enforcement powers and/or remedies provided in this chapter, an authorized enforcement official may issue an order to a person to cease and desist from the discharge, practice, operation or other activity causing or likely to cause a violation of this chapter. Such order shall be directed to those persons in violation of the chapter stating clearly and concisely the nature of the violation, the requirements for compliance, a timetable for compliance and such other remedial and/or preventive action as may be necessary. Upon the violator's failure to comply with such an order, the city shall take further enforcement action as specified in this chapter, or in accordance with any other appropriate provision of local, state or federal law.

At the discretion of the authorized enforcement official and in accordance with the city's enforcement response plan, orders to cease and desist may take the following form:

(A) Verbal warnings, as may be issued during inspections;

(B) Warning letters and orders to abate pollution;

(C) Warning letters with requirements to submit written reports;

(D) Notices of violation.

Formal violations and legal action as described in this chapter and as authorized by the city municipal code.