City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

13.14.110 Exceptions and application procedures for exceptions.

All water use associated with the operation and maintenance of fire suppression equipment or employed by the city for water quality flushing and sanitation purposes shall be exempt from the provisions of this chapter. Use of water supplied by a private well or from a rain water utilization system is also exempt.

Any customer of the city may make written application for an exception to uses and activities prohibited by this chapter. Said application shall describe in detail why applicant believes an exception is justified.

(A) The manager may grant exceptions for use of water otherwise prohibited or required by this section upon finding and determining that failure to do so would cause an emergency condition affecting the health, sanitation, fire protection, or safety of the applicant or public or cause an unnecessary and undue hardship on applicant or the public, including, but not limited to, adverse economic impacts, such as loss of production or jobs.

(B) In the event of an appeal of a drought surcharge, customers who can clearly demonstrate that they have taken steps to reduce their water consumption (by installing water-efficient appliances, drip irrigation, drought-tolerant landscaping, etc.) shall be considered favorably in granting waivers.

(C) No increase in the basic water allotment shall be granted unless the customer has installed all water-saving devices which are feasible. Water-saving devices include: (1) ultra-low flush toilets utilizing 1.6 gallons per flush or less; (2) low-flow shower heads; (3) low-flow faucet restrictors utilizing two gallons per minute or less; and (4) drip irrigation systems.

(D) The decision of the manager may be appealed to the city council by submitting a written appeal to the city clerk within fifteen calendar days of the date of the decision. Upon granting any appeal, the city council may impose any conditions it determines to be just and proper. Exceptions granted by the city council shall be prepared in writing and the city council may require the exception be recorded at applicant's expense.