City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

13.14.060 Water waste prohibitions.

The following uses of water are defined as "waste of water" and are absolutely prohibited:

(A) Failing to repair a leak and/or otherwise permit the escape of water through breaks or leaks within the customer's plumbing or private distribution system for any substantial period of time within which such break or leak should reasonably have been discovered and corrected. It shall be presumed that a period of seventy-two hours after the customer discovers such a break or leak or receives notice from the city, is a reasonable time within which to correct such a break or leak or, at a minimum, to stop the flow of water from such break or leak.

(B) Use water to irrigate grass, lawns, groundcover, shrubbery, crops, trees, or other vegetation or in such a manner as to result in runoff to any gutter, ditch, drain or impermeable surface. Every customer is deemed to have his or her water system under control at all times, to know the manner and extent of his or her water use and any run-off, and to employ available alternatives to apply irrigation water in an efficient manner.

(C) Washing cars, boats, trailers or other vehicles and machinery directly with a hose not equipped with a shutoff nozzle.

(D) Water for non-recycling decorative water fountains.

(E) Water for single-pass evaporative cooling systems for air conditioning in all connections installed after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter, unless required for health or safety reasons.

(F) Water for non-recirculating conveyor car wash systems, industrial clothes wash systems, and/or other commercial purposes for which recirculated or recycled water can safely and effectively serve the same purpose.

(G) Water for the irrigation of turf for nonresidential uses.

(H) Water for the flushing of toilets for nonresidential uses with the exception of water for flushing low-flow toilets and/or as provided by Section 13.14.110.

(I) The use of water for earth compaction, dust control, or other construction use, including the testing of new sewer lines unless the water is obtained from a source expressly approved by the maintenance and utilities director; provided, however, notwithstanding the foregoing, that water may be used for purposes of testing new water service lines.

(J) Withdrawal of water from fire hydrants within the service area of the city, except for purposes of fire-fighting, water system maintenance, and other uses as permitted by the city.

(K) All restaurants, hotels, cafés, cafeterias, bars, or other public places where food or drink are served and/or purchased are to serve water to customers only when specifically requested by the customer.

(L) All hotels and motels shall provide guests with the option of choosing not to have towels and linens laundered daily. The hotel or motel shall prominently display notice of this option in each guestroom using clear and easily understood language.

(M) The irrigation with water of landscapes outside of newly constructed homes and buildings in a manner inconsistent with Chapter 16.14.

(N) Use of water that is inconsistent with state or federal regulations.