City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

13.14.120 Violation—Enforcement.

The violation of each provision of this chapter, and each separate violation thereof, shall be deemed a separate offense, and shall be enforced accordingly.

(A) Any customer that violates any provision of this chapter shall, in addition to the imposition of the drought surcharge rates of Section 13.14.100 hereof, receive a personal contact by the city at the address of the water service. If personal contact is unsuccessful, written notice of the violation, including a date that the violation is to be corrected, may be left on the premises, with a copy of the notice sent by certified mail to the customer.

(B) If after issuance of the written warning, the manager determines that the customer has continued or is continuing to violate the provisions of this chapter, the manager may authorize and implement installation of a flow restricting device on the service line or reduce the amount of water available to the customer. Any costs incurred by the city to authorize and implement the flow restricting device or reduce the amount of water available to the customer shall be borne by the customer. The flow restricting device shall be removed and the prior water supply amount resumed no sooner than sixty days after the date of the installation of the flow restricting device or a reduction in water available, provided that no further violations have occurred within that time.

(C) If after implementation of a flow restricting device or reduction of water available to a customer, the customer continues to violate the provisions of the chapter, the city may disconnect the service to the customer for a period of three days. All costs or expenses incurred by the city for enforcement of this section shall be borne by the customer.

(D) The unauthorized use of water following a disconnection of service pursuant to subsection C above, or any other unauthorized use of water from a fire hydrant or other use bypassing an installed meter, shall be subject to an automatic fine of two thousand five hundred dollars for the first offense and five thousand dollars for the second offense.