City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.12.080 Cardroom work permit—Application and denial.

(A) Cardroom employees must obtain a cardroom work permit from the chief. For the purpose of this chapter, "cardroom employees" are defined to include dealers, overseers and others directly connected with the operation and supervision of card tables, and excludes waiters, waitresses, bartenders, culinary workers and others not connected with such operation and supervision. Applications for cardroom work permits shall be submitted under oath and contain the past criminal record, if any, of the applicant, and such information as may be deemed necessary by the chief to determine whether the applicant is a proper person to be issued a cardroom work permit. The application also shall be accompanied by fingerprints, a recent photograph of the applicant and an amount equal to any fingerprint processing fee required by the city.

(B) A cardroom work permit shall not be issued to any person who would be disqualified from holding a state gambling license for the reasons specified in subsections (a) through (g) of Section 19859 of the Act, or regarding whom the Division of Gambling Control of the state of California has filed an objection with the city.

(C) The chief may deny issuance of a cardroom work permit for any further cause deemed reasonable by the chief. The action of the chief denying a cardroom work permit on the basis of this section shall be subject to appeal to the city council. Notice of such appeal shall be filed with the city clerk within ten days after notice of denial of the permit. Upon failure to file notice of appeal within the ten day period, the action of the chief denying the permit shall be final and conclusive.

(D) Cardroom work permits shall be prominently displayed in the cardrooms when the holder of the permit is working.

(E) Each application for a cardroom work permit shall be accompanied by a fee of two hundred dollars. The fee shall not be returned in the event that the permit is refused, revoked or suspended, as provided in this chapter. The permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issue; however, it may be prorated quarterly. The date of expiration shall be prominently displayed on the face of the permit.

(F) The holder of a cardroom work permit shall not be restricted as to place of employment.