City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.12.070 Cardroom permit—Restrictions and nonassignability.

(A) No person shall be granted a permit to operate more than one cardroom.

(B) No cardroom permit shall be sold, transferred or assigned by the permittee or by operation of law. Any sale, transfer or assignment, or attempt to sell, transfer or assign the permit shall be deemed to constitute a voluntary surrender of the permit, which shall thereafter be deemed terminated and void. This section does not restrict the right of any cardroom owner to sell, transfer or assign ownership interest in the cardroom itself. Anytime a cardroom changes ownership, the new owner must apply and qualify for a cardroom permit as provided by this chapter.

(C) The city council may, by resolution, in the best interest of the public welfare, limit the number of cardroom permits issued within the city.