City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.53.090 Operation standards.

(A) Health and Safety Regulations, EMF Report. No SAF by itself or in combination with other such facilities shall be sited or operated in such a manner that it poses a potential threat to the public health or safety. To that end, no facility or facilities shall produce power densities that exceed the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE). Compliance with FCC Office of Engineering Technology (OET) Bulletin 65, as amended, is mandatory. The SAF applicant, operator, or owner shall copy the city on any filings and reports with the California Board of Equalization and the California Public Utilities Commission concerning the SAF. Applicant shall provide notice of the SAF permit to the California Board of Equalization and California Public Utilities Commission to facilitate appropriate reimbursement to the city for the SAF authorization.

(B) Noise Compliance. Each SAF shall be operated in such a manner so as to minimize any noise impacts. A SAF shall generate no more than forty-five decibels of noise at three feet from the nearest building façade or sensitive receptor (e.g., school playground).

(C) Each SAF installed on a streetlight in the public right-of-way shall obtain its electric power within the electric streetlight source.

(D) Maintenance. A SAF Applicant or property-owner shall, at its sole cost, be responsible to repair to city standard specifications or replace in-kind any city facilities or improvements disturbed or damaged during the installation, maintenance, operation, repair or removal of the SAF and any support infrastructure.

(E) Interference. To the extent allowed under applicable federal rules and regulations, the operator of a SAF shall correct interference problems experienced or caused by the facility to any person or entity with respect to equipment such as television, radio, computer, and telephone reception or transmission. The operator is under an affirmative duty to promptly provide the community development director a copy of any notice of such violation issued by any local, state, or federal agency.

(F) Applicant shall warrant and ensure that its services will be made available to businesses and residents of the city.