City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.53.100 Density of small-cell antenna facilities.

(A) No wireless service provider may locate a SAF within one hundred feet of another SAF that the service provider owns or controls.

(B) A SAF proposed on two or more support structures may not be placed on adjacent support structures.

(C) All SAFs on city property require a master lease agreement ("MLA") prior obtaining an encroachment permit or building permit. The MLA shall be recorded with the Napa County recorder by the applicant at its sole expense.

(D) Local Preference. For projects where two applicants propose a SAF on the same support structure(s), local preference will grant a permit to the applicant with a wireless telecommunication retail store in the city. The sale of wireless devices must be the primary business of the retail store. In the event both applicants have a retail store in the city, local preference will be granted to the applicant that has the retail store in the city for the longest continuous period of time.