City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.53.080 Application and submittal requirements.

(A) Each SAF requires a SAF permit.

(B) Each SAF requires a building permit.

(C) Each SAF in the public right-of-way requires an encroachment permit.

(D) Each SAF requires a security bond that is reviewed and found satisfactory to ensure the proper removal of older, obsolete, or abandoned SAF equipment.

(E) In conjunction with the building permit application, each SAF application shall include the following information:

(1) Site Plan. Provide a site plan of each project area drawn to scale depicting the existing conditions and proposed project.

(2) Elevations. Provide elevation plans for each location, drawn to scale depicting the existing support structure and the proposed project.

(3) Provide a sheet with specifications of all proposed equipment.

(4) Provide scale drawings of each SAF component.

(5) Identify location of power source.

(6) EMF Report. Provide documentation demonstrating that the facility will comply with applicable radio frequency (RF) emission standards. Such documentation may be satisfied by a written demonstration of compliance with FCC Bulletin OET-65, as amended. Provide a written agreement, which indicates that no SAF facility or facilities proposed for this application, shall produce power densities that exceed the Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE); and written agreement to comply with FCC Office of Engineering Technology (OET) Bulletin 65, as amended.

(7) Interference Report. Provide a written description of the proposed method(s) of correcting any potential interference with consumer electric products that may result from the operation of the facility.

(8) Noise Study. Include manufacturer information on the amount of noise generated by the facility, including, but not limited to, retractable monopole motors, antenna rotators, power generation and related equipment. Such information shall include the estimated times, frequency, duration and decibel levels of the noise.

(9) Coverage Maps. Each application shall include the following:

(a) Map showing all current and planned facility sites within and adjacent to the city that are owned and/or operated by the service operator.

(b) Name(s), address(es), telephone number(s), and e-mail(s) that own the facility and that will be responsible for its operation and maintenance.

(c) Any proposed access roads or parking areas.

(d) Documentation verifying that the operator has obtained licenses and/or approvals that are required by federal and/or state agencies.

(10) Visual impact analysis showing a silhouette or other visualization(s) or photo simulations of the proposed facility within the context of its surroundings, such as the ridgelines to the east of the city or the Napa River watershed to the west; and/or

(11) Written authorization for the city to hire an independent, qualified consultant to evaluate technical and other aspects of the proposal, including, but not limited to, compliance with applicable emission standards, potential for interference with consumer electronic products and/or public safety communications and the appropriateness of granting any requested exceptions. Such authorization shall include a written agreement by the applicant to advance or promptly reimburse the city for all reasonable costs associated with the consultation.

(12) Payment of the applicable SAF plan review fee.

(13) Security bond to ensure the proper removal of older, obsolete, or abandoned SAF equipment

(14) Master lease agreement (Type 2).

(15) Applicants that propose SAF projects adjacent to a public school, property owned by a public agency, or public park are required to submit verification that they have consulted with the applicable public agency representative.

(16) Applicants that propose a SAF project in a residential zoning district shall mail a notice to property owners located within three hundred feet of the proposed site. The public notice shall inform property owners of the proposed SAF project and invite their feedback.

(17) Design standards self-assessment checklist.

(18) Electronic copies of all submitted items.