City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.53.070 Conditions of approval.

The following standard conditions of approval shall apply to all SAF projects:

(A) To help screen each proposed SAF in the public right-of-way, the encroachment permit shall identify an appropriate street tree and location in the public right-of-way as close to each proposed SAF as feasible. The tree shall meet the following standards:

(1) The minimum tree size shall be fifteen-gallon size.

(2) The tree shall match the species of trees along the same street. If no street trees exist, the tree shall be a variety native to the region and drought-tolerate, subject to approval of the public works director.

(3) If installing a street tree is infeasible on the basis of inadequate sidewalk width, utility interference, or public health, safety, or welfare reasons, at the approval of the public works director, the applicant shall provide an "in-lieu" payment into the city's "street tree" fund. In-lieu street tree payment shall be paid prior to the building permit issuance.

(4) Care and Maintenance of Street Trees. The city shall assume the duty of a "property owner." The applicant shall fund ten years care and maintenance of any street tree required to be installed in the public right-of-way under this section.

(5) The applicant shall provide a security bond that is reviewed and found satisfactory by the city attorney to guarantee funding for ten years of tree maintenance.

(B) The applicant shall verify that the SAF when operational complies with the noise standard in Section 19.53.090(b).

(C) The applicant shall provide written agreement to relocate the SAF facility at the applicant's expense when public projects, services or improvements conflict with its installation with reasonable notice.