City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.53.030 Definitions.

"Accessory equipment" means any equipment installed, mounted, operated or maintained in close proximity to a personal wireless telecommunication facility to provide power to the personal wireless telecommunication facility or to receive, transmit or store signals or information received by or sent from a personal wireless telecommunication device.

"Antenna enclosure" means any casing or hardware used to enclose or camouflage wireless telecommunication antennas or related equipment.

"Antenna structure" means any antenna, any structure designed specifically to support an antenna or any appurtenance mounted on such a structure or antenna.

"Applicable law" means all applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances, codes, rules, regulations and orders, as the same may be amended from time to time.

"Applicant" includes any person or entity submitting an application to install a commercial wireless telecommunication facility under this chapter.

"Base station" means the equipment and non-tower supporting structure at a fixed location that enables Federal Communications Commission licensed or authorized wireless telecommunications between user equipment and a communications network.

"CEQA" means the California Environmental Quality Act.

"City" means the city of American Canyon.

"City property" means any property owned by the city of American Canyon that is outside of the public right-of-way, which includes, but is not limited to, parks, city building sites, the wastewater reclamation facility, City Hall, etc.

"Collar mount" means any band or pieces of a band that fits around the neck of a pole to support an antenna. See Figure 19.53.030-a.

"Collocation" means the mounting or installation of additional wireless transmission equipment at an existing wireless facility.

"Council" means the city council of the city of American Canyon.

"Department" means the community development department of the city of American Canyon.

"Director" means the community development director of the city of American Canyon or designee.

"FCC" means the Federal Communications Commission or any successor to that agency.

"Least intrusive means" means that the location or design of a commercial wireless telecommunication facility addresses a significant gap in an applicant's personal communication service while doing the least disservice to the policy objectives of this chapter. Analysis of whether a proposal constitutes the least intrusive means shall include consideration of means to close an asserted significant gap by collocating a new personal wireless telecommunication facility on the site, pole, tower, or other structure of an existing personal wireless telecommunication facility.

"Local preference" means preference given to an applicant when two or more applicants propose wireless facilities on the same utility pole or structure at the same time.

"Macro sites" means any high-powered wireless telecommunication facility used to serve major coverage areas of several miles with multiple antennas.

"Major street trenching" means any proposed trenching of a public right-of-way of more than ten feet in length.

"MLA" means master lease agreement.

"Micro wireless facility," shall be defined as a small cell that is no larger than twenty-four inches long, fifteen inches in width, twelve inches in height, and that has an exterior antenna, if any, no longer than eleven inches.

"Monopole" means a structure composed of a single spire, pole, or tower used to support antennas or related equipment. A monopole also includes a monopine, monopalm, and similar monopoles camouflaged to resemble faux objects attached on a monopole.

"MPE" means maximum permissible exposure.

"Non-tower supporting structure" means any structure, whether built for wireless communications purposes or not, that supports wireless transmission equipment under a valid permit at the time an applicant submits an application for a permit under this code and which is not a wireless tower.

"OET" or "FCC OET" means the Office of Engineering & Technology of the Federal Communications Commission.

"Open space" includes: (1) land which is zoned OS, OS-CRW, or REC as defined in Chapter 19.05.070 and 19.05.080; (2) land in residential zones upon which structures may not be developed by virtue of a restriction on title; (3) all common areas, public and private parks, slope easements, recreational areas and open portions of recreational facilities; and (4) any other area owned by a homeowners association or similar entity.

"Personal communication service" means commercial mobile services provided under a license issued by the FCC.

"Personal wireless telecommunication facility," "wireless telecommunication facility," or "wireless facility" means a structure, antenna, pole, tower, equipment, accessory equipment and related improvements used, or designed to be used, to provide wireless transmission of voice, data, images or other information, including, but not limited to, cellular phone service, personal communication service and paging service.

"RF" means radio frequency.

"Section 6409" means Title 47, United States Code, Section 1455.

"Side-arm assembly" means an articulated mounting assembly that connects an antenna to the pole, see Figure 19.53.030-b.

"SAF" means small-cell antenna facility consisting of antennas, antenna supports, equipment, cabinets, equipment housing and enclosure; and related accessory equipment. SAF also means a micro wireless facility. See Figure 19.53.030-c.

"State" means the state of California.

"Stealth facility" or "camouflaged facility" means a SAF or any wireless telecommunication facility, including its antennas, antenna supports, poles, equipment, cabinets, equipment housing and enclosure; and related aboveground accessory equipment, which: (1) are integrated as an architectural feature of an existing structure such as a cupola; or (2) are integrated in an outdoor structure such as a flagpole or streetlight; or (3) use a design which mimics and is consistent with nearby natural or architectural features, or is incorporated into or replaces existing permitted facilities (including, but not limited to, utility poles or stop signs or other traffic signs or freestanding light standards) so that the presence of the wireless telecommunication facility is not readily apparent. See Figure 19.53.030-d.

"Transmission equipment" or "wireless transmission equipment" means any equipment that facilitates transmission for any Federal Communications Commission licensed or authorized wireless communication service, including, but not limited to, radio transceivers, antennas and other equipment associated with and necessary to their operation, including coaxial or fiber optic cable, and regular and backup power supplies.

"Wireless telecommunication facility" means any Federal Communications Commission licensed or authorized wireless telecommunications service.

"Wireless tower" or "telecommunications tower" means any structure, including a freestanding mast, pole, monopole, guyed tower, lattice tower, freestanding tower or other structure, designed and constructed for the primary purpose of supporting any Federal Communications Commission licensed or authorized wireless telecommunications facility antennas and their associated facilities.

Figure 19.53.030-a: Collar Mounts

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Collar mounts for antennas are not permitted for small-cell antenna facilities.

Figure 19.53.030-b: Side-Arm Mounts

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Side-arm mounted antennas are not permitted.

Figure 19.53.030-c SAF Components

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Small-cell antenna facilities consist of the antenna, equipment enclosures, and the light pole. All cables need to be concealed within the pole or shrouded. All ground equipment is prohibited in the public right-of-way.

Figure 19.53.030-d Stealth SAF Components

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Camouflaged antenna equipment and antenna.

Figure 19.53.030-e Stealth SAF Components on Wider Transit Poles

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Example of a transit light pole with a small-cell antenna placed on top, and the accessory equipment painted to match the color and material of the pole.