City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.53.050 Development standards—All SAFs.

All small-cell antenna facilities shall comply with all the following development standards:

(A) A maximum of one SAF is permitted on a single support structure.

(B) All SAFs shall be designed as a stealth facility as defined in Section 19.53.030.

(C) The combined volume of SAF accessory equipment, including an electric meter, on a single pole shall not exceed six cubic feet, whether an array or separate.

(D) The antenna enclosure and accessory equipment is permitted a maximum of ten and one-half inches wide when placed on slim light poles (less than ten inches width) and a maximum of fifteen inches on wide poles (greater than ten inches width).

(E) Equipment normally placed at ground level must be placed in an underground vault.

(F) All conduit and facility wiring must be concealed within the support structure.

(G) Unless otherwise required by city, county, state or federal rules or regulations, SAFs shall have all manufacturer labels removed. No logos or advertising is permitted.

(H) SAFs shall be painted a non-reflective neutral color finish consistent with the predominant color of the support structure.

(I) Unless otherwise required by applicable county, state, or federal rules, the SAF may not have any artificial lighting.

(J) All SAFs shall be designed with passive cooling.

(K) All facilities shall be designed so as to be graffiti resistant.

(L) To protect residential views, a SAF proposed within nine feet of a residential window is prohibited, and any SAF shall not negatively impact or impede views of the ridgelines to the east of the city or the Napa River watershed to the west.

(M) A SAF on city property outside of the public right-of-way is required to obtain its own electrical service and meter.

(N) Outside the public right-of-way, the overall height of the SAF may not exceed the maximum building height permitted in site zoning district..

(O) The Director retains the discretion to determine the applicability of CEQA for SAFs and requires the preparation of an initial study (CEQA Guidelines Section 15365) for any permit application to properly determine the potential impacts of any application on the physical environment.