City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.37.030 Operational requirements.

(A) The following table defines the general operation requirements:

Table 19.37.030

Requirement Class 1 – Ice Cream Trucks Class 2 – Food Trucks Class 3 – Other Mobile Vendors
Days of the week All M – F (may be extended to Saturday and Sunday with approval of a temporary outdoor promotion permit) All
Time of operation 9:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. or sunset, whichever occurs first 6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. (may be extended at the discretion of the community development director) 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. (or as defined by temporary outdoor promotion permit)
Maximum time in one location 10 minutes 4 hours 6 hours
May occupy a fixed location No Yes Yes
Permitted zones All Light Industrial (LI), General Industrial (GI) with mobile service vendor (MSV) permit – other zoning districts with approval of a temporary outdoor promotion permit All zoning districts require approval of a temporary outdoor promotion permit
Cleaning requirement 50′1 50′1 50′1
School limitation No sales citywide from 15 minutes before and until 1 hour after the end of the public school day No limitation No limitation
Vending allowed in public right-of-way Yes No No
May use amplified sound Yes, but amplified sound must cease when vehicle is stopped to sell ice cream No No

Fifty feet represents the minimum cleaning radius, but temporary outdoor promotion permits (Municipal Code Section 5.05.045) may be required to extend this area.

(B) All operators shall comply with the following additional regulations:

(1) Each operator shall conspicuously display a city of American Canyon business license inside each mobile vending vehicle.

(2) All mobile service and vendor staff shall carry legal identification.

(3) Every mobile vending vehicle shall permanently affix the name, address, and telephone number of the business on the left and right sides of the vehicle with four-inch letters that contrast in color to the vehicle paint.

(4) Vending may not occur until the mobile vending vehicle has been brought to a complete stop and lawfully parked (Vehicle Code Section 22456).

(5) A mobile vending vehicle may not be restocked while the vehicle is on any public or private street.

(6) A mobile vending vehicle may not receive electrical power or other utilities from any public or private property.

(7) Class 1 and Class 2 mobile vendor operators shall conspicuously display a food handling permit or other health permit as required by law inside each food vending vehicle.

(8) All mobile vendors shall be equipped with refuse containers large enough to contain all trash and refuse generated by the operation of such vehicle. The operator of the mobile vending vehicle shall pick up all trash and refuse generated by the operator's vending during the time the vehicle is stopped, that is within not less than a fifty-foot radius of the vehicle, before the vehicle is moved, or throughout the day as necessary to maintain clean surroundings.