City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.37.040 Mobile service and vendor permit.

(A) A person desiring to engage in a mobile vendor operation shall obtain a mobile service and vendor permit. Each mobile vendor and services applicant shall submit the following information:

(1) A written application.

(2) An application fee.

(3) A city of American Canyon business license.

(4) A copy of a current Napa County environmental health permit, if applicable.

(5) Current business mailing address.

(6) Legal names of the mobile vendor and all persons operating or vending or providing service out of the mobile vending vehicle.

(7) Proof of current vehicle registration.

(8) Proof of automobile insurance as required by the Vehicle Code.

(9) A photograph of the front, rear and each side of each mobile vending vehicle.

(10) Dimensioned sample or rendering of proposed signage.

(11) A signed affidavit agreeing to the operational standards in Section 19.37.030.

(B) If the mobile vendor is proposed at a fixed location, the mobile vendor shall provide the following in addition to the submittal requirements in subsection A:

(1) A site plan depicting the location of the primary use and operation of the mobile vending vehicle.

(2) A table identifying the number of required parking spaces, and the number of provided parking spaces.

(3) A note identifying the hours and days of week of operation.

(4) An affidavit in a form approved by the city from the property owner (if other than self) permitting the mobile food vendor to locate on the site and allowing the use of on-site restroom facilities.

(C) Class 2 mobile vendors shall also provide written proof of a current contract with a commissary.