City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.32.040 Use permit required.

In addition to any other necessary discretionary land use permit applications such as a subdivision or a design permit, the conversion of any existing mobilehome park to any other use shall require the review of a use permit application by the planning commission, which shall forward a recommendation on the discretionary permits and use permit to the city council for final action. At a minimum, each application for a use permit to convert a mobilehome park to any other use shall include the following and any additional information as may be required by this chapter and the community development director:

(A) A detailed narrative description of the proposed use to which the mobilehome park is to be converted;

(B) The proposed timetable for implementation of the conversion and development of the site;

(C) Evidence that any tenant's rent had not been increased within the two months prior to the filing of an application for conversion of a mobilehome park, and a statement from the applicant that the rent at the mobilehome park shall not be increased for two years from the date of filing of the conversion application or until the date of the commencement of relocation activities;

(D) A report on the impact of the conversion of the mobilehome park on its residents and a disposition/relocation plan addressing the availability of replacement housing for existing tenants of the mobilehome park consistent with Section 65863.7 of the California Government Code;

(E) Upon filing an application for a use permit for conversion, the community development director shall inform the applicant of the requirements of Civil Code Section 798.56 and Government Code Section 65863.8 regarding notification of the mobilehome park residents concerning the proposed conversion. The community development director shall specify in writing to the applicant the information that must be submitted in order to adequately notify all existing tenants as required by the California Government Code, the California Civil Code, and this chapter.

(F) No use permit application for the conversion of a mobilehome park to another use shall be deemed complete and processing for consideration will not commence until the conversion impact report and relocation plan as required by this chapter have been reviewed by the community development director for substantial conformance with the requirements of this chapter.