City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.32.030 Vacancy rate in excess of twenty percent—Notice required.

The following shall apply when any mobilehome park in the city has a vacancy rate of twenty percent or greater of the total number of spaces in existence in the mobilehome park:

(A) Whenever twenty percent or more of the total number of mobilehome sites or mobilehomes at a mobilehome park are vacant or otherwise uninhabited and such situation was not caused by physical disaster, including but not limited to fire, flood, storm, earthquake, landslide, or by another natural condition beyond the control of the owner or operator of the mobilehome park, the owner or operator of the park shall file with the community development director a written notice informing the city of the current vacancy rate at the park. For purposes of this chapter, a mobilehome site is "uninhabited" or "vacant" when it is either:

(1) Unoccupied by a mobilehome; or

(2) Occupied by a mobilehome in which no persons reside;

(3) A mobilehome shall not be considered vacant for purposes of this chapter if rent is being paid pursuant to a bona fide rental or lease agreement and the mobilehome is merely unoccupied.

(B) The written notice to the community development director from the owner or operator of the mobilehome park shall clearly state any known reasons for the vacancy rate to be in excess of twenty percent and whether or not the property owner intends in the immediate future to convert the mobilehome park to another use.

(C) If it is determined that the owner of the mobilehome park intends to apply for a conversion of the mobilehome park to another use, the community development director shall immediately inform the property owner of the requirements of this chapter.