City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.23.120 Permitted signs.

This section specifies the criteria for:

(A) Temporary signs;

(B) Signs permitted for residential uses;

(C) Signs Permitted for Nonresidential Uses. Signs shall be permitted in the City in accordance with the guidelines contained in Tables 19.23.120(A) through 19.23.120(C). In each instance and under the same conditions in which this chapter permits any sign, a sign containing any ideological, political or other noncommercial message and constructed to the same physical dimensions and characteristics shall be permitted in lieu of that sign.

(D) Any sign located on private property requires consent of the property owner.

Table 19.23.120(A)

Temporary Signs Permitted

Type Development Standards Additional Standards
1. Temporary Promotional Wall Banner Permit Required: Temporary banner permit (a) Each promotional banner permit shall be renewed each calendar year.
Maximum Number: One sign per business (b) A copy of the banner permit shall be kept on-site at all times.
(Commercial and Industrial Use: Multifamily Uses) Maximum Size: 32 sq. ft. for building frontages up to 175 linear feet or 50 sq. ft. for building frontages greater than 175 linear feet (c) Temporary banner shall be contained within the lineal frontage of the leased space.
(d) May be located freestanding within landscape areas subject to additional review by the director.
Maximum Height: Shall not exceed eave line or parapet of building (e) Must be kept in neat condition and replaced when torn or weathered.
Duration: At all times
2. Temporary Window Permit Required: None (a) Printed window copy shall be replaced or removed within six months.
Maximum Number: No limit
(Commercial and Industrial Use) Maximum Size: 25% of window area up to 50 sq. ft. per business (b) Credit card placards, sports calendars or other nonprofit activities placed adjacent to the door jamb shall not be included in the calculation of window sign area.
Maximum Height: Shall not exceed height of highest window
3. Temporary Outdoor Promotion Permit Banner Permit Required: In conjunction with a temporary outdoor promotion permit (a) A copy of the banner permit shall be kept on-site at all times.
Maximum Number: One sign per business (b) Temporary banner shall be contained within the lineal frontage of the leased space.
Maximum Size: 32 sq. ft. for building frontages up to 175 linear feet or 50 sq. ft. for building frontages greater than 175 linear feet (c) May be located freestanding within landscape areas subject to additional review by the director.
Maximum Height: Shall not exceed eave line or parapet of building (d) Must be kept in neat condition and replaced when torn or weathered.
4. Noncommercial Temporary Banner Permit Required: Temporary banner permit (a) A copy of the banner permit shall be kept on-site at all times.
Maximum Number: Two banners per site (b) May be located freestanding within landscape areas subject to additional review by the director.
Maximum Size: 32 sq. ft. for building frontages up to 175 linear feet or 50 sq. ft. for building frontages greater than 175 linear feet (c) Must be kept in neat condition and replaced when torn or weathered.
(d) Must be located on private property and have permission of property owner.
Maximum Height: Shall not exceed eave line or parapet of building 5 feet when mounted on 2 poles (e) Must be located outside of the sight distance triangle at street intersections.
5. A-Frame Signs Permit Required: None (a) Locate on-site
Maximum Number: One per customer entrance for each tenant (b) May not be located within public right-of-way.
(c) May not obstruct accessible path of travel.
Maximum Size: 7.5 sq. ft. (d) May not be placed within landscape area.
Maximum Height: 3 feet (e) Must be returned indoors during hours that business is closed.
6. Real Estate — Leasing or Sales (Residential Uses) Permit Required: None (a) Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
Maximum Number: One sign post per residence
Maximum Size: 12.5 sq. ft. cumulative for all signs displayed on the sign post
Maximum Height: 5 feet
Type: Freestanding sign
7. Real Estate — Leasing or Sales (Commercial or Industrial Uses) Permit Required: None (a) Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
Maximum Number: One sign per street frontage
Maximum Size: 32 sq. ft.
Maximum Height: 8 feet
Type: Either wall or freestanding sign
8. Open House Identification (On-Site) Permit Required: None (a) Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
Maximum Number: One sign site
(Residential Uses) Maximum Size: 4 sq. ft.
Maximum Height: 4 feet
Type: Freestanding sign
9. Open House Directional (Off-Site) Permit Required: None (a) Open house directional signs may be displayed only between dawn and dusk.
(Residential Uses) Maximum Number: Minimum necessary to locate home; one sign per intersection per open house (b) Placement may be permitted in the public right-of-way.
(c) Placement on private property requires approval of the property owner.
Maximum Size: 4 sq. ft.
Maximum Height: 4 feet
Type: Freestanding sign
10. Individual Garage/Yard Sale Identification (On-Site) Permit Required: None (a) Sign shall not be placed any earlier than 72 hours prior to the event and all signs must be removed within 72 hours following date of event.
Maximum Number: One sign per garage sale residence
(Residential Uses) Maximum Size: 4 sq. ft. (b) Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
Maximum Height: 4 feet
Type: Freestanding sign
11. Garage/Yard Sale Directional (Off-Site) Permit Required: None (a) Garage/yard sale signs shall not be placed any earlier than 72 hours prior to the event and all signs must be removed within 72 hours following date of event.
Maximum Number: One sign per garage sale residence
(Residential Uses) Maximum Size: 4 sq. ft. (b) Garage/yard sale sign may be placed in the public right-of-way, but not in the street median.
Maximum Height: 4 feet
Type: Freestanding sign
12. Subdivision and Model Home Identification and Directional Permit Required: None None.
Maximum Number: One sign per garage sale residence
Maximum Size: 4 sq. ft.
Maximum Height: 4 feet
Type: Freestanding sign

Table 19.23.120(B)

Permanent Signs Permitted in Residential Districts

Type Development Standards Additional Standards
1. Community/Neighborhood Project Identification (single-family detached, single-family attached, condominiums) Permit Required: Sign program (a) Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
Maximum Number, Size and Height: Subject to planning commission review and approval of a sign program
Type: Wall or monument
2. Apartment Complex Project Identification Permit Required: Sign permit (a) Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
Maximum Number, Size and Height: Subject to planning commission review and approval of a sign program
Type: Wall or monument
3. Project Directory Permit Required: Sign Permit (a) Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
Maximum Number: One sign per site or minimum number necessary to provide adequate unit addresses and information
Maximum Size: 24 sq. ft.
Maximum Height:
Wall: Shall not exceed eave line or parapet of the building
Monument: 6 feet
Type: Wall or monument
4. Sales/Rental/Leasing Office Identification Permit Required: None (a) Placement shall be permitted on private property only.
Maximum Number: One sign per development
Maximum Size: 6 sq. ft.
Maximum Height:
Wall: Shall not exceed eave line or parapet of the building
Monument: 6 feet
Type: Wall or monument wall (permanent)
5. Ancillary (neighborhood watch, etc.) Permit Required: None None.
Maximum Number, Size and Height: Signs shall follow city police department specifications

Table 19.23.120(C)

Signs Permitted in Nonresidential Districts

Type Development Standards Additional Standards
1. Monument Signs for Shopping or Business/Industrial Centers (Multitenant use) or Single Tenant Sites with NO Highway 29 Frontage Permit Required: Sign permit (a) Each commercial center is permitted one freestanding sign, regardless of frontage length.
Maximum Number: One sign per 300 feet of project street frontage (b) May not create traffic hazard at corners of driveways.
Maximum Size: 40 sq. ft. (c) Minimum 5-foot setback from public right-of-way.
Maximum Height: 6 feet above grade or 4 feet above top of planter or landscaped mound (d) Planter base or landscaped area equal to four times the area of one sign face.
(e) The design of the monument sign must be consistent with any applicable building design standards per Section 19.23.100.
2. Monument Signs for Shopping or Business/Industrial Centers (Multitenant use) or Single Tenant Sites WITH Highway 29 Frontage Permit Required: Sign permit (a) Each commercial center is permitted one freestanding sign, regardless of frontage length.
Maximum Number: One sign per 300 feet of project street frontage (b) May not create traffic hazard at corners of driveways.
Maximum Size: 50 sq. ft. (c) Minimum 10-foot setback from public right-of-way.
Maximum Height: 8 feet above grade or up to 12 feet above grade with planning commission approval (d) Planter base or landscaped area equal to four times the area of one sign face.
(e) The design of the monument sign must be consistent with any applicable building design standards per Section 19.23.100.
3. Tenant Signs for Shopping or Business/Industrial centers (Multitenant use) or Single Tenant Sites Permit Required: Sign permit (a) Wall signage must be centered vertically and horizontally within the lease space unless architectural design dictates otherwise.
Maximum Number: N/A (b) The combined area of all signage on a building elevation shall not exceed one square foot per lineal foot of building frontage unless approved through a sign program.
Maximum Size: 1 sq. ft. per lineal foot of business façade. Up to 25 percent sign coverage of any window
Maximum Height: May not project above eave line
Letter and Logo Height:
0-49 lineal feet/24-inch letter height maximum
50-99 lineal feet/36-inch letter height maximum
Type: Wall sign, canopy sign and window sign (permanent)
4. Wall Signs for Multistory Buildings with a Centralized Entrance Permit Required: Sign permit (a) Copy shall be arranged in a single line.
Maximum Number: Two signs per elevation (b) All signs on the same elevation must be placed at the same height.
Maximum Size: 1 sq. ft. per lineal foot of business façade not to exceed 200 sq. ft. (c) The combined area of all signage on a building elevation shall not exceed one square foot per lineal foot of building frontage unless approved through a sign program.
Maximum Height: May not project above eave line or parapet
Letter and Logo Height:
0-49 lineal feet/24-inch letter height maximum
50-99 lineal feet/36-inch letter height maximum
Type: Wall sign, canopy sign and window sign (permanent)
5. Suspended Sign Permit Required: Sign permit None.
Maximum Number: One per building entrance
Maximum Size: 6 sq. ft. above grade
Maximum Height: Minimum 8 feet, 6 inches, vertical clearance
Type: Suspended sign (permanent)
6. Drive-Through Signage Permit Required: Sign permit (a) Shall not pose a hazard to on-site circulation.
Maximum Number: One per drive-thru tenant (b) Shall face away from street where feasible.
Maximum Size: 30 sq. ft.
Maximum Height: Minimum 7 feet
Type: Freestanding menu board sign, directional sign, height clearance indicator, speakers (permanent)
7. Business Directory (Pedestrian) Permit Required: Sign permit (a) May not block accessible path of travel.
Maximum Number: 2
Maximum Size: 10 sq. ft.
Maximum Height: 6 feet
Type: Wall or kiosk
8. Business Directory (Vehicle-Oriented) Permit Required: Sign permit (a) May not be located within public right-of-way.
Maximum Number: Minimum number necessary to provide adequate information and direction (b) May not block accessible path of travel.
Maximum Size: 20 sq. ft.
Maximum Height: 4 feet
Type: Monument
9. Service Station Identification and Pricing Information Permit Required: Sign permit (a) The total area for all signs on the premises shall not exceed 300 sq. ft.
Maximum Number: One monument sign per street frontage; not to exceed 2 per site (b) Price signs allowed in accordance with state regulations.
Maximum Size: 20 sq. ft. (c) Monument sign shall be designed consistent with applicable building design guidelines.
Maximum Height: 5 feet
Type: Monument (d) For wall pricing information signs, see wall sign regulations Table 19.23.120(C).
10. Electronic Message Board Permit Required: Conditional use permit (a) Monument sign shall be designed consistent with applicable building design guidelines.
Maximum Height, Size and Number: Depends upon purpose and manner of display
Type: As determined through the conditional use permit
11. Movie Theater Marquee and Changeable Copy Sign Permit Required: Conditional use permit (a) Monument sign shall be designed consistent with applicable building design guidelines.
Maximum Height, Size and Number: Depends upon purpose and manner of display
Type: Marquee and monument
12. Kiosk Sign Permit Required: Sign program (a) Monument sign shall be designed consistent with applicable building design guidelines.
Maximum Number: 8 throughout the city
Maximum Size: 20 sq. ft. (b) No kiosk sign structure shall be located less than 300 ft. from an existing or previously approved kiosk site except in the case of signs on different corners of an intersection.
Maximum Height: 5 feet
Type: Monument