City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.23.110 Sign programs.

The purpose of a sign program is to integrate signs with building and landscaping design to form a unified architectural statement. No permit shall be issued for an individual sign within a center where a sign program has been established until it has been determined consistent with the applicable program.

A sign program shall be required for:

1. All new commercial, office and industrial centers consisting of three or more tenant spaces;

2. A property owner(s) may also have the option of filing a sign program application for an existing multi-tenant building or buildings;

3. Contiguous parcels that do not share driveway access and parking;

4. A kiosk sign program;

5. Community/neighborhood project identification;

6. A special sign district.

(A) Application. For any lot, site or building on which the placement of one or more signs requires a sign program the owner, developer or leasing agent shall submit to the director the following:

(1) An accurate plot plan of the lot(s), at such scale as the director may reasonably require, showing the locations of pertinent buildings, parking lots, driveways, and landscaped areas on such lot(s);

(2) Locations and dimensions of all existing and proposed signs, including the height of monument and freestanding signs. Window signs may be shown by indicating the window areas to be covered by signs and the general type of materials to be used; the exact dimension or nature of every window sign need not be specified;

(3) Exhibits showing the design, materials, colors and method of lighting for all signs;

(4) The sign program shall specify standards for consistency among all signs on the lots affected by the plan with regard to location, sign proportions, materials, color schemes, lettering and graphic styles, and lighting;

(5) If any new or amended sign program is filed for a site on which existing signs are located, it shall include a schedule for bringing into conformance, within one year, all signs not conforming to the proposed new or amended plan or to the requirements of this chapter in effect on the date of submission.

(B) Sign programs approved by the planning commission include commercial centers containing five acres or more, kiosk sign programs, community/neighborhood project identification signs, and special sign districts. Sign area and heights may be greater than those specified in Table 19.23.120 as may be determined by the sign program subject to the findings set forth in Section 19.23.070(F).

(C) Sign Programs for Contiguous Parcels. Owners of contiguous parcels may propose a sign program approved by the planning commission to link their properties with coordinated signage. Sign area and heights may be greater than those specified in Table 19.23.120 as may be determined by the sign program subject to the findings set forth in Section 19.23.070(F).

(D) Kiosk Sign Program. Subdivision directional signs and commercial signs may be permitted under a kiosk sign program as approved by the planning commission. The commission review will include size, height, design, materials and colors of proposed kiosk, along with locations and maximum number of kiosk signs within the city. In addition, the following standards are applicable:

(1) The panel and sign structure design shall be in accordance with this chapter.

(2) No kiosk sign structure shall be located less than three hundred feet from an existing or previously approved kiosk site except in the case of signs on different corners of an intersection.

(3) All kiosk signs shall be placed on private property with written consent of the property owner.

(4) A kiosk sign location plan shall be prepared, showing the site of each kiosk directional sign, and shall be approved by the planning commission prior to the issuance of a sign permit.

(5) There shall be no additions, tag signs, streamers, devices, display boards, or appurtenances, added to the kiosk signs as originally approved. No other nonpermitted directional signs, such as poster or trailer signs, may be used.

(6) All nonconforming subdivision kiosk directional signs associated with the subdivision in question must be removed prior to the placement of directional kiosk sign(s).

(7) The kiosk subdivision directional signs shall be removed when the homes in the subdivision are sold.

(8) No more than eight kiosk signs may be permitted at any time within the city limits.

(E) Optional Provisions. A sign program may contain such other restrictions as the owners of the lots may reasonably determine.

(F) Binding Effect. After approval of a sign program, no sign shall be erected, placed, painted or maintained, except in conformance with such plan, and any such plan may be enforced in the same way as any provision of this title. In case of any conflict between the provisions of such a plan and any other provision of this chapter, the chapter shall control.

(G) Amendment. A sign program may be amended by filing a new plan that conforms with all requirements of this chapter then in effect.