City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.23.070 Sign permit requirements.

The following procedures shall govern the application for, and the issuance of, all sign permits under this chapter:

(A) Permit Not Required. Signs that are regulated by this chapter but that do not require a permit include the following:

(1) A-frame sign;

(2) Construction sign;

(3) Directional sign;

(4) Future facility sign;

(5) Garage sale sign;

(6) Holiday lighting sign;

(7) Incidental sign;

(8) Interior sign;

(9) Mobile sign;

(10) Real estate: residence for sale, open house identification (on-site), open house directional (off-site), garage/yard sale identification (on-site), garage/yard sale directional (off-site), sales/rental/leasing office identification and ancillary signs (neighborhood watch, etc.);

(11) Temporary subdivision and model home identification and directional sign;

(12) Window sign.

(B) Permit Required. The following procedures shall govern the application for, and issuance of all sign permits under this chapter, and the submission and review of sign programs.

(C) Permit Applications. All applications for sign permits and for approval of a sign program shall be submitted to the community development department on forms specified by the community development director. An application shall be accompanied by any fee established by the city council.

(1) Such applications shall be accompanied by detailed drawings to show the dimensions, design, structure, and location of each particular sign, to the extent that such details are not contained on a sign program in effect for the lot, along with such other information needed for the director or planning commission to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter. One application and permit may include multiple signs on the same lot or in the same project.

(2) If plans submitted for a zoning clearance, development plan or conditional use permit include sign plans in sufficient detail that the permit-issuing authority can determine whether the proposed sign or signs comply with the provisions of this chapter, then issuance of the requested clearance, plan or permit may constitute approval of the proposed sign(s) or signage plan if so stipulated.

(D) Review Authority. Sign permits and sign programs shall be reviewed and approved, conditionally approved, or denied by the director, except for the following, which shall be decided upon by the planning commission:

(1) Freestanding signs that exceed eight feet in height;

(2) Sign programs for projects of two acres or more;

(3) Kiosk sign program for off-site subdivision directional signs;

(4) Individual signs exceeding forty square feet in area;

(5) Signs of unique design, character, and/or merit which are determined by the director to require special consideration;

(6) Electronic reader boards, as defined herein, may be permitted upon approval of a use permit in each case. All messages or images shall be faded in and out only and any message or image must be scrolled rather than flashed, and otherwise conform to this chapter;

(7) Referrals from the director;

(8) Appeals of community development director decisions.

(E) Decision of the Community Development Director. The community development director or designee shall accept and review sign applications for conformance with this chapter. Applications shall be referred to other departments as appropriate to provide opportunity for comments. If, after reviewing the application and receiving comments it is determined that the proposed application complies with provisions of this chapter, the community development director shall issue a permit to install the sign.

(F) Required Findings by Planning Commission. Approval of a sign permit or sign program may be granted by the planning commission only if all of the following findings are made:

(1) The application complies with all applicable provisions of this chapter and any applicable approvals granted for the project by any decision-making authority.

(2) The application complies with any applicable design guidelines, plans and policies adopted by the planning commission or city council.

(3) The application complies with any sign program in effect for the property.

(G) Assignment of Sign Permits. A valid sign permit shall be freely assignable to a successor as owner of the property or holder of a business license for the same premises.

(H) Additional Permits. Building, electrical and fire permits shall be obtained for signs as required by federal, state and local laws.