City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.16.090 Procedures and submittal requirements pertaining to establishment of a planned community zone.

(A) Conceptual Master Plan. Proposals to establish a planned community zone shall be accompanied by a conceptual master plan containing the information set forth below:

(1) Background information on physical characteristics of the concept plan area, including a detailed topographic map, the location of all drainage courses, and a vicinity map showing all adjacent uses and physical features and any necessary environmental information, including special studies as may be required based on environmental sensitivity maps contained in the general plan;

(2) The proposed locations of various land uses and intensities of land use, including proposed street and lot layouts, street and infrastructure connections to adjacent properties, the location of off-street parking areas, preliminary grading information including heights and widths of proposed manufactured slopes and any other pertinent information contributing to the understanding of the overall development concept;

(3) Areas proposed to be dedicated, reserved or developed for parks, parkways, school sites, public or quasi-public buildings or similar uses. Sufficient topographic and soil condition information shall be provided for these areas to establish that they would be functional for the intended uses;

(4) A description of the proposed development concept shall be an attachment and part of the conceptual master plan. The description should set forth proposed lot sizes and patterns, any unique architectural or site plan themes or elements that will be incorporated into the project, typical sketches for plotting of houses, criteria for addressing unique circumstances such as interface between differing land uses, any unique grading techniques that will be utilized, or similar information that will establish the parameters for exhibits, standards and conditions that will be necessary for submittal of a planned community development permit and related entitlement applications;

(5) An infrastructure master plan, evaluating sizing and extensions of infrastructure necessary to serve all phases of the development and any future planned development of adjacent areas. Included shall be a fiscal impact study analyzing costs of new demand for necessary infrastructure and services on both a short and long-term basis, how they will be funded, and potential funding shortfalls. These requirements may be reduced or waived for provided master plan areas containing twenty acres or less in area;

(6) An engineering analysis of infrastructure capacities, including the ability of the city to provide water and treat wastewater during peak periods or under reduced allocation years. The analysis shall include projected water use and wastewater generation at project buildout, current city uses and capacities, and anticipated uses and capacities at buildout;

(7) Tentative subdivision map (optional, may be deferred until planned development permit phase at discretion of planned community proponent);

(8) A preliminary phasing plan indicating sequence of development and related subdivision of land. Maximum buildout rate may be established based on the fiscal analysis and infrastructure capacity analysis. A funding mechanism must be established to pay for all necessary infrastructure for each phase of development. Phasing plan requirements may be reduced or waived for proposed master plan areas containing twenty acres or less in area.

(9) Rate of anticipated development (required at conceptual master plan stage if a tentative map is processed concurrently);

(10) Preliminary information on anticipated home prices, rental rates and dwelling sizes;

(11) A statement from the Napa Unified School District indicating school capacities and facility needs in the vicinity of the proposed planned community;

(12) Any other information that may be deemed necessary by the city to properly assess the zone change request.

(B) Planning Commission Review. The planning commission shall review and make a recommendation to the city council regarding the proposed planned community zone and conceptual master plan following a duly noticed public hearing based on standards and findings outlined herein.

(C) City Council Action. Upon receipt of the recommendations of the planning commission, the city council shall conduct a duly noticed public hearing to consider the request to establish a planned community zone and conceptual master plan. In the event that the planning commission recommends against the zone change to a planned community zone, the city council need not take further action on the zone change unless an interested party files a request for a hearing with the city clerk within five days after the planning commission files its recommendations with the city council (Government Code Section 65856). The council's action shall be based on conformity with the adopted general plan and compliance with all applicable standards and findings set forth herein.