City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.05.110 Temporary use classifications.

Temporary uses are those allowed for a fixed period of time, with the intent of their discontinuance upon the expiration of the time period.

Commercial filming: commercial motion picture or video photography at the same location six or fewer consecutive days per quarter of a calendar year in residential districts or fewer than fifteen days per quarter of a calendar year in nonresidential districts.

Live entertainment: music, comedy, readings, dancing, acting or other entertainment performed on a temporary basis. This classification includes dancing by patrons to live or recorded music.

Mobile structures: temporary mobilehomes, mobile offices, mobile classrooms and recreational vehicles used in connection with new subdivisions, construction sites and existing uses of land.

Personal property sales: the selling or disposition of personal property at a residence by its occupant(s), or at a church or charity bazaar, subject to the provisions of the municipal code.

Public assembly: any group of thirty or more persons participating in an organized activity having a common purpose on or within a city street, city park, parking facility, sidewalk, or other public property or right-of-way.

Retail sales, outdoor: temporary outdoor retail sales of new merchandise on the site of a legally established retail business which has a direct relationship to existing businesses.

Seasonal sales: outdoor retail sales of seasonal agricultural items, such as Christmas trees, strawberries, pumpkins, and holiday flowers.

Special event:

(1) Any temporary event not exceeding thirty days, whether indoors or outdoors, involving thirty or more persons, which is inconsistent with the permanent use to which the property may legally be put, or the occupancy levels permitted on property; or

(2) Any public assembly as defined in this section; or

(3) Any event, regardless of the number of persons involved, requiring full or partial street closure, which occurs on a city street, sidewalk, alley, or other public right-of-way, and/or which is likely to obstruct, delay or interfere with the normal flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic.

The following list of examples is illustrative, but not determinative, of activities that may constitute "special events":

(1) Motorized vehicle races or contests.

(2) Carnivals, circuses, fairs, festivals, nondomesticated animal act or exhibition, and similar activities.

(3) Any event with mechanical amusement rides.

(4) Promotional or fundraising activities.

(5) Parades.

(6) Outdoor shows, concerts and exhibitions.

(7) Outdoor craft fairs, soapbox derbies, or other similar events.

Tent: a temporary structure having a roof and/or walls of fabric.