19.05.100 Accessory classifications.
Accessory uses are uses that are incidental to the principal permitted or conditionally-permitted use or structure on a site and are customarily found on the same lot.
Accessory dwelling unit: a dwelling unit located in a commercial zoning district on the same site as a primary permitted or conditionally-permitted use.
Livestock keeping: the keeping of large animals for personal purposes, including equines, bovines, sheep and goats, but excluding swine, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 19.31, Animal Keeping Regulations.
Cafeteria: incidental dining facilities provided for on-site employees and guests of a commercial or industrial use.
Caretaker's quarters: a dwelling unit on the site of a commercial, industrial, public or semipublic use, occupied by a guard, caretaker, or operator of a facility.
Day care home, large: the provision of care, protection and supervision, in the provider's own home, for seven to fourteen children, inclusive, including children under the age of ten years who reside at the home, on a less than twenty-four-hour basis.
Day care home, small: the provision of care, protection and supervision, in the provider's own home, for six or fewer children, inclusive, including children under the age of ten years who reside at the home, on a less than twenty-four-hour basis.
Family child care home, large: the provision of care, protection and supervision, in the provider's own home, for up to fourteen children on a less than twenty-four-hour basis.
Family child care home, small: the provision of care, protection and supervision, in the provider's own home, for eight or fewer children on a less than twenty-four-hour basis.
Guest house: detached living quarters of no more than six hundred forty square feet on the same premises as a primary residence for the use of family members, guests or employees of the occupants of such residence, containing no kitchen facilities and not rented or otherwise used as a separate dwelling.
Home occupation: one or more activities carried out for gain by a resident conducted as an accessory use in the resident's dwelling unit.
Horticulture, limited: the raising of vegetables, flowers, ornamental trees and shrubs, or orchard crops for personal use.
Recreational facilities, private: recreational facilities for the sole use of on-site or project residents or similar activities not requiring the use of roofed structures.
Tent: a temporary structure having a roof and/or walls of fabric.