19.01.060 Relationship to other regulations and requirements.
(A) The regulations of this title and requirements or conditions imposed pursuant to this title shall not supersede any other regulations or requirements adopted or imposed by the city council, any board, commission, or department of the city, or any other local, state, or federal agency that has jurisdiction by law over uses and development authorized by this title. All uses and development authorized by this title shall comply with all other such regulations and requirements. Where two or more ordinances regulate the same use or activity, the more restrictive ordinance shall apply.
(B) Nothing contained in this title shall be deemed to repeal or amend any regulation of the city requiring a permit or license or both for any business, trade, or occupation nor shall anything in this title be deemed to repeal or amend the building standards adopted or enforced by the city.
(C) Consistent with CEQA Guidelines 15162(c), each discretionary development project shall be reviewed to ensure compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The approval authority for CEQA environmental review shall be delegated to the community development director, planning commission, or city council when the municipal code delegates the associated discretionary application to that decision maker.
(D) Notwithstanding subsection C, CEQA environmental review and approval of the discretionary development project shall remain with the city council when the CEQA environmental review requires a statement of overriding considerations.
(E) A CEQA environmental determination made by the community development director or planning commission may be appealed to the city council in accordance with municipal code Sections 2.04.080 through 2.04.110.