City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.01.061 Industrial Use Greenhouse Gas Standards

(A) Every Industrial Use Land Use Proposal for which the City of American Canyon is the Lead Agency shall use the following threshold to evaluate the significance of greenhouse gas (GHG) impact under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA):

(1) Tier 1. Determine if CEQA categorical exemptions are applicable. If not, move to Tier 2.

(2) Tier 2. Consider whether the proposed project is consistent with a locally adopted GHG reduction plan that has gone through public hearing and CEQA review, that has an approved inventory, includes monitoring, etc. If not, move to Tier 3.

(3) Tier 3. Consider whether the project includes, at a minimum, the following project design elements:

(a) Buildings

(i) The project will not include natural gas appliances or natural gas plumbing (in both residential and nonresidential development).

(ii) The project will not result in any wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary energy use as determined by the analysis required under CEQA Section 21100(b)(3) and Section 15126.2(b) of the State CEQA Guidelines.

(b) Transportation

(i) The project will achieve a reduction in project-generated vehicle miles traveled ("VMT") below the regional average consistent with the current version of the California Climate Change Scoping Plan (currently 15 percent).

(ii) The project will achieve compliance with off-street electric vehicle requirements in the most recently adopted version of CALGreen Tier 2. If the project does not include the above project design elements, the Project has a significant GHG impact. If it does include the above project design elements, move to Tier 4.

(4) Tier 4. Consider whether the project generates GHG emissions in excess of the South Coast Air Quality Management District's 10,000 MT CO2e per year screening threshold for industrial uses and stationary projects. If so, the project has a significant GHG impact.