City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

19.41.030 Design permit approval

Except as provided in this chapter, no building or structure may be erected, and no proposed outdoor land use may permitted until a design permit application has been approved by the community development director, planning commission, or city council as required below. Such review and approval may take place concurrently with the review of any other required approvals.

(A) Community Development Department Director Approvals. The community development director may approve the following design permit applications. No public hearing shall be required unless the design permit is being processed concurrently with other applications for which a hearing is required. In this case, the design permit shall be considered at the same public hearing.

(1) Two-family dwellings and appurtenant accessory structures.

(2) Multifamily projects containing fewer than five units.

(3) Commercial structures containing less than five thousand square feet total, industrial structures containing less than twenty thousand square feet total.

(4) Proposed outdoor land use(s).

(B) Planning Commission Approvals. The planning commission may approve the following design permit applications following a public hearing pursuant to the procedures set forth in Chapter 19.40:

(1) Multifamily dwelling projects containing five or more units.

(2) The construction in one year by a single builder of three or more single-family dwellings in a single subdivision, or on a single block if the lots are not located within a subdivision, except such construction in the PC zone district.

(3) Commercial structures containing five thousand total square feet or more and industrial structures containing twenty thousand square feet or more.

(4) Sign programs requiring commission approval, pursuant to Chapter 19.23.

(5) Small-cell antenna facilities that do not comply with standards described in Chapter 19.53.

(6) Design permit applications referred to the commission by the director because of unique circumstances, potential public controversy, or a need for policy direction.

(C) City Council Approvals. The City Council may approve a design permit following a recommendation by the Planning Commission when the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental review requires a statement of overriding considerations pursuant to Section 19.01.060(C).