City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

9.07.090 Hearings on the imposition of civil fine and/or imposition of civil cost recovery fee for public safety response—Appeals.

(A) Administrative Hearing. Any person subject to a civil fine pursuant to Section 9.07.070 or subject to a civil cost recovery fee for public safety responses pursuant to Section 9.07.080 shall have the right to request an administrative hearing within forty-five days of the issuance of a citation for a civil violation or the issuance of a citation for the imposition of civil cost recovery fees for a public safety response. To request such a hearing, the person requesting the hearing shall notify the city clerk in writing within forty-five days of the issuance of the citation.

(B) The city hearing officer is delegated the power and duty to hear any appeal hearing under Section 9.07.070 and/or Section 9.07.080. The city hearing officer shall conduct a hearing on the matter within ninety days of the request for the hearing unless one of the parties requests a continuance for good cause. The city hearing officer shall render a decision within thirty days of the conclusion of the hearing. Any aggrieved person may obtain review of the decision by filing a petition for mandate with the Superior Court of California, city of Napa, a unified court in accordance with the timelines and provisions set forth in Government Code Section 53069.4.