City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

9.07.080 Imposition of civil cost recovery fee for public safety responses.

In addition to any civil fine imposed for violation of this chapter, expenses and fines which may be assessed or imposed as a result of a violation of this chapter, liability for the cost of providing public safety services (i.e., fire, ambulance, police, and other emergency providers) shall be the responsibility of any person who violates any provision of this chapter. The cost recovery for public safety responses shall be separate and distinct from a citation and fine for a civil violation described in Section 9.07.070.

(A) The amount of cost recovery under this subsection shall be the response costs as well as any associated costs performed by public safety.

(B) In the event that the responsible person who is in violation of this chapter is a juvenile, then the juvenile and the parents or guardians of that juvenile will be jointly and severally liable for the imposition of civil fine and/or penalties for the cost of providing public safety services.

(C) If there is more than one responsible person for the event then each responsible person shall be jointly and severally liable for the civil fine and/or for the costs incurred for public safety services pursuant to this chapter.

(D) Civil cost recovery fee(s) shall not be imposed for the response costs in those situations where those present at the gathering call for emergency services for an actual emergency at the premises.