City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

8.06.040 Failure to abate nuisance.

(A) If the warning given to the owner of the dog or the tenant or resident at the property pursuant to Section 8.06.030 where the barking, howling, or yelping dog is being kept is ineffective, then a verified complaint of at least two citizens not from the same household may be presented to the police department, alleging that a dog that habitually barks, howls, or yelps is being kept by such person within the city. The police department shall inform the owner of the dog or the resident or tenant of the property at which the dog is being kept that such a petition has been received and shall cite the owner of the dog for a violation of this chapter as alleged in the complaint.

(B) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (A) of this section, if a police officer responds to a complaint from a resident and hears the barking, howling, or yelping, the officer shall give a warning for a first offense and shall issue a citation for any additional complaints received beyond the initial warning without the need for petition from two or more citizens.

(C) In the event the nuisance continues, citations will be issued in accordance with the provisions of the administrative citation ordinance.