City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

6.13.030 Rooster keeping.

(A) The number of roosters that may be raised or kept on any property within the city of American Canyon is limited in accordance with the following schedule:

Parcel Size Max. No. of Roosters
Less than 0.5 acres 0 Roosters
0.5 acres to 1.5 acres 1 Rooster
Greater than 1.5 acres 4 Roosters

(B) Rooster enclosures shall have a minimum setback from adjacent residences of one hundred and fifty feet.

(C) This section shall not apply to commercial poultry ranches whose primary commodity is the production of eggs or meat for sale as permitted by the city, public or private schools as registered with the California Department of Education, Future Farmers of America (FFA) or 4-H sponsored projects, or to legitimate poultry hobbyists as approved in writing by the agricultural commissioner.

(D) Each individual rooster beyond the rooster limitation in subsection A of this section constitutes a separate violation.

(E) No rooster may kept on property so that it constitutes a nuisance in accordance with Chapter 8.12 of the municipal code (Community Noise Ordinance).

(F) Nothing in the foregoing is to be construed as approving the keeping of any poultry in contravention of any statute, zoning ordinance, or other law.

(G) At all times, roosters shall be provided:

(1) Access to water and shelter from the elements (rain, wind, direct sun, etc.);

(2) Sufficient room to spread both wings fully and to be able to turn in a complete circle without any impediment and without touching the side of an enclosure; and

(3) Clean and sanitary premises that are kept in good repair.

(H) The agricultural commissioner shall establish written standards necessary to carry out the intent of this chapter and may condition any approval based on compliance with the written regulations and standards. Failure of any property owner and any person occupying or leasing the property to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter or applicable law, or the regulations and standards of the agricultural commissioner shall constitute good cause for the denial of any approval, either original or renewal, or for its revocation.