City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

6.12.020 Apiary best management practices.

(A) Apiaries shall be permitted within the city consistent with all of the provisions of this section:

(1) Apiaries shall consist of moveable frame hives in sound and useable condition.

(2) Apiaries shall be operated and maintained in accordance with best management practices developed by the Napa County Beekeepers Association and as adopted by resolution of the city council.

(3) Apiaries shall be screened from neighboring dwellings and public walkways.

(B) The provisions of this chapter, however, shall not authorize the keeping of bees in a manner constituting a public nuisance as defined in Section 1.20.020(B)(2) of the Napa County Code, although no resolution of the city council shall be required to establish the public nuisance.