City of American Canyon Law Library
City of American Canyon Municipal Code.

5.20.230 Applications—Generally.

(A) Application Required. An application must be filed for an initial and renewal cable system franchise, or for approval of a transfer. A request for renewal filed under 47 U.S.C. § 546(h) need not contain the information required by subsection (B)(l) of this section.

(B) Application Contents.

(1) The city manager may specify the information that must be provided in connection with an application, and the form in which the information is to be provided. At a minimum each application must identify the applicant including any affiliates, show that the applicant is financially, technically and legally qualified to construct, maintain and operate the cable system, contain a pro forma showing capital expenditures and expected income and expenses for the first five years the applicant is to hold the franchise, and show that the applicant is willing to comply unconditionally with its franchise obligations. In addition, any application for an initial or renewal franchise or rebuild of the operators system and/or facilities, must describe in detail the cable system that the applicant proposes to build, show where it will be located, set out the system construction schedule, and show that the applicant will provide adequate channels, facilities and other support for public, educational and government use (including institutional network use) of the cable system. The detailed description of the physical facilities proposed shall include at least the following:

(a) A description of the channel capacity, technical design, performance characteristics, headend, access (and institutional network, if required) facilities and equipment;

(b) The location of proposed facility and facility design, including a description of the miles of plant to be installed, and a description of the size of equipment cabinets, shielding and electronics that will be installed along the plant route, the power sources that will be used and a description of the noise, exhaust and pollutants, if any, that will be generated by the operation of the same; provided, however, that, if some of the descriptive data is not available at the time of application, the franchise may issue subject to conditions that the data be filed and approved by the city before construction begins and that the franchise will be deemed to be forfeited if the data is not supplied and approved; provided, further, that the foregoing proviso does not authorize the grant of a franchise where there is not sufficient information to appraise the impact of the applicant's proposal;

(c) A map of the general route the facility will follow; a designation of the portions of the system that will be placed aboveground and the portions that will be placed underground, and the construction techniques that the operator proposes to use in installing the system aboveground and underground; a schedule for construction of the facility, describing when and where construction will begin, how it will proceed, benchmarks indicating the schedule completion of portions of the system and when construction will be completed; and the expected effect on right-of-way usage, including information on the ability of the public rights-of-way to accommodate the proposed system, including, as appropriate given the system proposed, an estimate of the availability of space in conduits and an estimate of the cost of any necessary rearrangement of existing facilities;

(d) A description, where appropriate, of how services will be converted from existing facilities to new facilities, and what will be done with existing facilities;

(e) A demonstration of how the applicant will reasonably meet the future cable-related needs and interests of the community, including descriptions of the capacity, facilities and support for public, educational, and governmental use of the system (including institutional networks) applicant proposes to provide and why applicant believes that the proposal is adequate to meet the future cable-related needs and interests of the community;

(f) A demonstration of the financial qualifications of the applicant, including at least the following:

(i) The proposed rate structure, including projected charges for each service tier, installation, converters, and all other proposed equipment or services,

(ii) A statement regarding the applicant's financial ability to complete the construction to meet the timeframe proposed and to operate the cable system proposed certified by the applicant's chief financial officer;

(g) A demonstration of the applicant's technical ability to construct and/or operate the proposed cable system;

(h) A demonstration that the applicant is legally qualified, which proof must include a demonstration that the applicant:

(i) Has received, or is in a position to receive, necessary authorizations from state and federal authorities,

(ii) Has not engaged in conduct (fraud, racketeering, violation of antitrust laws, consumer protection laws or similar laws) that allows the city to conclude the applicant cannot be relied upon to comply with requirements of franchise or provisions of this title,

(iii) Is willing to enter into a franchise, to pay required compensation and to abide by the provisions of applicable law, including those relating to the construction, operation or repair of its facilities;

and has not entered into any agreement that would prevent it from doing so, and

(iv) The applicant must not have submitted an application for an initial or renewal franchise to the city, which was denied, or as to which any challenges to such franchising decision were finally resolved (including any appeals) adversely to the applicant, within three years preceding the submission of the application;

(i) An applicant may show that it would be inappropriate to deny it a franchise by virtue of: (1) the particular circumstances surrounding the acts or omissions at issue; (2) the steps taken by the applicant to cure all harms flowing therefrom and to prevent their recurrence; and the lack of involvement of the applicant's principals; or (3) the remoteness of the acts or omissions from the operation of communications systems;

(j) The extent that the applicant is in any respect relying on the financial or technical resources of another person, including another affiliate, proofs should be provided for that person;

(k) A description of the applicant's prior experience in cable system ownership, construction, and operation, and identification of cities and counties in California in which the applicant or any of its principals have a cable franchise or any interest therein, provided that an applicant that holds a franchise for the city and is seeking renewal of that franchise need only provide this information for other cities and counties in California where its franchise is scheduled to expire during the twelvemonth period prior to the date its application is submitted to the city and for other cities and counties in California where its franchise had been scheduled to expire during the twelve-month period after the date its application is submitted to the city. If an applicant has no other franchise in California, it shall provide the information for its operations in other states;

(2) An affidavit or declaration of the applicant or authorized officer thereof certifying the truth and accuracy of the information in the application, and certifying that the application meets all requirements of applicable law.

(3) To be accepted for filing, an original and six copies of a complete application must be submitted. All applications shall include the names and addresses of persons authorized to act on behalf of the applicant with respect to the application.

(4) An applicant (and the transferor and transferee, in the case of a transfer) shall respond to any request for information from the city, by the time specified by the city.

(C) Incomplete Applications. An application may be rejected if it is incomplete, or if the response to requests for information is not timely and complete.